Chapter 23

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Yn Pov :

While I was setting things on my new phone I suddenly remembered something.  Something very important.  About me .

I quickly put the phone aside and searched the backpack when I found a piece of paper with a number Written on it .

+1 917 321 8678
Christian Parker

I feed that number on my keypad and dialed it . And the ringing went on . I was feeling nervous.  Oh God.

And after 3 to 5 bells the call was received and a very deep strong voice came

??? : who's it .

I shivered but quickly replied stuttering

Yn : i-i um-m yn here

The line went silent and now I am afraid .

??? : omg Anna I mean ynie

Suddenly a very happy girl voice came

??? : omg yn oh god you finally called . Where are you we were searching you . Oh God.  I was going crazy I thought somethings happened to you

She spoke non stop making me chuckle

Yn : I am fine eve . How are you eva

Eva : I am good but you tell me where are you I am coming to meet you .

Yn : I got saved eva

Eva : oh my god . Who is him I wanna thank him for saving my sister  oh god just tell me where are you .

Yn : we don't worry what about tomorrow I will tell hoseok oppa to drop me .

Eva : what you meet with our brother Jack.

Yn : yes

I spoke amd she went silent for some time

Eva : are you at Kim Mansion

Yn : yes how do you know

Eva : ok i am coming to pick you up tomorrow at 3 be ready no excuses and then i will tell you . And you will answer my all questions to .

Yn : umm I don't thin-

Eva : no excuse Missy.  Ok bye take care

And she cut the call. Oh God stubborn soul .

I sighed as I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face  . I stripped my clothes and traced the tattoo which was on my just below my collarbone on right side .

(She have this tattoo below her collarbone on right side )

Yn : ( in mind ) everything is so messed up. How can they be my birth parents . Argh strange . Who draws a tattoo on a new born child.

I shrugged my thoughts and after changing into my night suit I went to sleep .

Next Morning:

Everyone gathered for breakfast together as Mr.Kim Cha told them . He and Mr.Jeon Han likes to sit with all family members at table .

Yn came downstairs changed in a black crop top over a jacket which was showing her collarbone tattoo. 

( her outfit imagine the tattoo to )

Taehyung saw her and was lost in her beauty .

Yn : Good morning everyone.

She spoke and sat between her father and brother . And infront of her was Taehyung who was awestruck by her . By something caught his attention which was her tattoo.

Everyone started their breakfast which old men sharing stories and everyone listening to them .

After breakfast Jennie called yn outside in the garden and she told her she will be coming in a while. So she went upstairs but stopped by her brothers voice in the lobby.

Hoseok : hey yn wait

Yn : yes oppa .

Hoseok : when did you get this tattoo. 

Yn smiled awkwardly because Taehyung was also standings near them listening to them .

Yn : um it's old I also don't know . Hehehe . I guess it's from birth or something.

Taehyung and hosoek were staring at her dumbfounded

Hoseok : well I also have one same here but it's Aquarius ♒️.  Strange though .

Yn : yes its Leo ♌️.  I am seeing it from my childhood. 

Hoseok nodded and went from their leaving yn and Taehyung behind.

Yn : hey .

Taehyung nodded and stepped closer to her

Taehyung: are you good

Yn : yes . All thanks to you

Yn smiled widely on which Taehyungs heart melted and unknowingly his hand went to her hairs as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her hair .

Taehyung: you are really beautiful yn

Yn blushed at the comment as she looked down .

Taehyung : do you know I waited for you for 20 years .

Yn eyes widened as she looked at him . And their eyes met .

Yn : w-what

Taehyung stepped more closer to her as he cupped her face with hand and held her waist with the other .

Taehyung : when isu ma adopted you . You were just a new born baby and I was seven . She told me she will marry you to me when we will grow up. You were so beautiful and always use to annoy me in childhood. But fate separated us . I waited for you I searched for you but I didn't find you. At that party three years ago when I stared into your eyes I recognized its you . And I was coming to get you but again fate took you away from me . I was devastated but now when I have found you I can't let you go yn . I have loved you . Loved you so much that it hurts to the core thinking if you again got separated from me and I still love you so much .

Yn who wasstaring at him with shock eyes turned glossy and unknown tears left her eyes .

Yn : y-you l-ov-e m-e

Taehyung nodded as he wiped her tears .

Taehyung: I love you so so much princess . Give me a chance to prove my love to you please .

Taehyung spoke with pleading eyes .

Yn : i-i u-m tae-hyu-

Taehyung: there is no rush just give me a chance

Yn nodded on which he smiled at her and the next yn felt his lips on her . He sensually and slowly kissed her lips. Sending Shivers down her spine.  Yn was shocked she never felt like this . This feeling which was igniting her heart she never felt .

This kiss was so different even when jungkook kissed her she never felt these sparks.  But as his lips met hers she forgot everything and soon gave in by wrapping her hands around him . He very slowly and carefully kissed her like if he even go a little rough she may vanish.


To be continued

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Also read Forced Marriage with Billionaire  .

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