Chapter 43

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A week later :

It's been a week since the deaths of in-su and Amy . Everything was normal . Jeon Jaehyun and Choi Hwan and his family were not in sight, and their was still no trouble by Delos .

Jungkook, on the other hand, was living with Kims . He used to stay in the room, isolating himself . Because still tae and yn hadn't forgived him . He used to cry every night just praying that yn and tae would forgive him .

Yn was also grieving from the inside, but she didn't show it to anyone.  She went every day to meet her real parents and Eva and Chris.  She also resumed her training.

Yn Pov :

I was standing near the pond in the garden. I  turned around to leave but saw Taehyung coming towards me, so I stopped in my tracks.

Taehyung: Hey princess

Yn : h-hi

I spoke, looking down.  Because his gaze was very intimidating.

Taehyung: You okay

He asked worriedly, and I nodded . He stepped closer to me and held my hand with his one hand and cupped my face with others, making me look directly look into his beautifull orbs .

My heart started to beat at an abnormal pace due to the closeness. 

Taehyung: princess

He whispered close to my face

Taehyung: take care of yourself

I made a confused face

Taehyung: I have to go on a mission for a week to Australian.

Unknowingly, my heart ached, and the idea of him going away from me hurted me .

Yn : when will you return

I spoke lowly . He pressed a kiss on my left eye making me feel giddy .

Taehyung : i will be back after a week. So I just wanted to tell you that take care and stay strong just like you were.

I felt my eyes pooling up

Yn : you are going alone

Taehyung pressed another kissed oj my right eye as he spoke

Taehyung: no , I am going with joseok hyung , suho and jun

I felt more sad and a fear started to bubble up in me.  All close people to me were going . I looker down on which Taehyung sighed as he again made me look in his eyes

Taehyung: princess I will be back soon after my work is done . You can spent time with eva  and Christian.  Even jimin and Jennie or Jin hyung and nonna

I nodded still feeling low but I was afraid if he got hurt .

Yn : you will be safe

Taehyung : yes I will .

Yn : promise

I spoke as a tear escaped my eye I don't know why

Taehyung: promise princess.  I will be back before you know .

I nodded as he rested his forehead on mine closing his eyes . Seconds later he pulled away pressing a kiss on my forehead.

I don't know why but my heart was making me feel all those thing which I locked away a long time ago amd I myself was unsure .

Taehyung: I will be going. Take care . I love you

He spoke making my breath hitched and looked in my eyes I wanted to say

I love you too .

But it didn't came out . He looked a little hurt but masked and smiled at me and was about to turn when I don't know what possessed me that I held his wrist quickly

As he turned around I quickly smashed my lips on his . We both kissed each other like no tomorrow.  I conveyed all my feelings in the kiss which I wasn't able to speak and he conveyed his

His lips were savoring mine amd nothing in the world was more good then this moment.  After many good minutes we both pulled away panting heavily. Ee both stared into each other eyes when I spoke still panting

Yn : you have to be safe I will wait for you

I spoke and pecked his lips one last time as I ran away from their.  My heart beating loudly.  I ran straight to my room and locked it . Sitting hugging my knees I started to cry .

He was making me feel all foreign feelings.  He use to sit by my side every night the past week just to make sure I was okay. 

What are you doing to me taehyung ?

Author Pov :

Taehyung, jun , hoseok and suho left for Australia and it was now night and the mansion was in a complete silence.  Yn was sitting in her room as looked at baby Hari infront of her .

Rose dropped her in yns Room a little while ago as she was crying. 

Yn : you are so cute

Yn cooed looking at the little girl who was staring at her with hee big doe eyes

After an hour she heard a knock and she said a "come in".

But hee breath hitched seeing none other then Jungkook.

Jungkook came inside as he stood a little far from hee she averted her gaze from him he scratched his neck nervously

Jungkook: Can we talk

His voice was a whisper but enough for her to hear . Yn nodded

Jungkook sat on the couch in front of the bed

Jungkook: yn . I am sorry . Please forgive me

Yn looked at him clenching her fists and chuckled angrily

Yn : you are sorry .

She spoke scarastically as she turned her head in his direction

Jungkook: look yn I know I did wrong but I swear I always had regretted my doubts afterwards.  I was fed lies all my life and I believed them.  I was told your family killed my grandpa and mom's grandparents.  I was told that your family did wrong to my mom dad . They showed me fake proofs amd I believed them . I believed in fake love that I didn't saw you but trust me I am really very guilty.  I know I did wrong please forgive me.  Everyone deserves a second chance I just wanted forgiveness from you and nothing else

He spoke as tears streamed his face and yn looked away .

Yn : you destroyed me Jungkook.  You broke me.  Even when you didn't know about my mom you hurted me by your actions.  You forced yourself on me when I only qas.doung my job.  You abused me mentally and physically. How can I forget all that . It still haunt me like today. You are the worst Jeon Jungkook I have ever seen in my life . You- I can't I can't forgive you please ho away

Yn spoke crying when they heard the baby cries to . Jungkook qas quick enough to hold Hari

Jungkook: I will take her you can rest

Jungkook spoke numbly freling pathetic.  He cursed himself and his fate .

Jungkook: maybe my death can prove my sincerity now. 

He spoke lowly and took baby Hari with him and tucked her in bed in his room and here yn was still staring nowhere crying remembering her past and shocked with his statement.


To be continued

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