Chapter 6 :

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Author Pov :

Taehyung was standing in his rooms balcony at Kim's Mansion when he heard a throat clearing voice . He turned around to see hoseok

Taehyung: ohh hyung

Hoseok came and stood beside him resting on the railing

Hoseok : wanna talk what happened at dinner

Taehyung nodded with a long sigh

Taehyung: are you angry that I said yes

Hoseok : ( chuckles) why would I be . It's your life. 

Taehyung: but she is not her-

Hoseok : I know you loved my sister and you promised me to take revenge but that doesn't mean you don't have to live your life.  Live your life . She will also not like to see you like this.

Taehyung: it's d-difficult . You know.  I just can't accept it she left me . When i finally met her . I was planning how to get her back but she died and due to beacuse of that fucker. Arrrggghhhh why hyung why me and she . Why is it to only happen to us.  Why us

Taehyung spoke as he clenched his jaw and fists

Hoseok: my sister nor you deserved any kind of this . But fate has already decided that for you . And you know fate can't be changed

Taehyung: but I know I can never love euri.  She is nice but I don't deserve her she deserves someone near her not me . She is one of those clingy bit-

Hoseok : shut up asshole she is yoongis sister

Taehyung rolled his eyes

Taehyung: like he loves her that he will care .you know how much yoongi hyung holds grudges against her. And I know she was a playgirl to

Hoseok rolled his eyes

Hoseok : fuck up Taehyung.  How do you know she is a playgirl  stop nonsense . Now when everything is decided you have to marry her. If my sister was alive and this was going to happen then I would have stopped it.  But now I am not at all responsible for it . It's your life and you are getting quite old you have to marry now.

Taehyung: what the fuck old . You are also old why are you not marrying then . how long will you be wooing her .

Taehyung raised a brow at him teasingly.  It was their bond.  Taehyung always found more comfort and easiness to share things with hoseok rather than his older brother seokjin

Hoseok : shut up . We are taking things slow

Taehyung: we are taking things slow ( he mimicked) my foot. Propose her already hyjng how long will you take .

Hoseok : I am going bye

Taehyung chuckled as he left but agin his face became emotionless and only one thing came in his mind . His revenge to Jeons. Although he loved Jeon Cha and Jeon Haile dearly but his hatred towards jaehyun jungkook and haejee was extreme. 

His phone started to ring amd he saw it was Jun he smirked and attended the call.

Jun : reached

He spoke and call line went blank .

He smirked as he took his jacket and head out his room

Taehyung came downstairs to saw all his family members talking.  He shrugged as he quickly left without glancing at anyone .

Author Pov :

Jun bring all of them to a new house . It was a beautiful mansion . Not like their old mansion a little modern and a little small from that. But it was very beautiful. The weather in New York toady was very nice

Jeons were awestruck by the beauty .

Jun : umm if you need anything feel free to contact me . My father will visit you tomorrow  . Please fell at home . If you want to go out the cars are already their. In case of urgent work you can contact Warner he is one of my men .

Jaehyun : thank you so much Jun. It's all alot . We are really thankfully full to you and your father.

Jun excused himself and left . They all took a deep breath as jungkook picked his bags

Jungkook: I still don't trust them

He muttered as everyone rolled their eyes at him . He spoke and them everyone took a tour of the house with the help of the maid and Warner. They selected their rooms and made themselves at home

After leaving Jeons . Jun directly went to Starlight Club to meet taehyung. 

Jun : he bro what's up

He reached him at VIP section where Taehyung was sipping his liquor.  Taehyung did a bro hug with his old friend as they both got seated

Taehyung: what happened

Jun smirked

Jun : everything is going with the flow . Jaehyun and namjoon are just blindly humming just that asshole is still not trusting me

Taehyung: he will soon beacuse he will have no choice .

Jun : mother fuvker will

Taehyung: by the way you have to accompany me to the auction next month

Jun : WHAT

he shouted surprised

Taehyung just rolled his eyes

Jun : omg The famous Kim Taehyung attending a Auction

Taehyung: shut the fuck up and just listen to me

Jun : ok ok speak

He laughed

Taehyung : I will be going this time beacuse dad wants me to find about knights . They are sure smuggling DELO . And I don't know why the stock at ou warehouse were missing so I ahbe to go there for this. And you will be accompanying me .

Jun : you sure Knights at fault

Taehyung: that's the thing which we have to find

Jun nodded

Jun : ok I will .

Taehyung: and tomorrow do let your father meet them.

He nodded as they spent some time and then they left to home .

Taehyung came back to mansion it was late night but to his surprise he saw Haile sitting on the couch with a album in her hands.  As she saw him she quickly wiped her tears . Taehyung went and sat beside her .

Taehyung: why are you crying halmeoni

Haile : nothing .

Taehyung saw she was looking at yns picture

Taehyung: what are you doing

Haile : I was just looking at these you know how much happy she was when she first saw her daughter.  It was like she found her love . And it was she loved her alot.  Like only she was her world . I regret marrying her to that son of a bitch . Only if I have in contact with you guys I would ha e never done that . But it happened and i can't forgive myself .

Taehyung hugged her .

Taehyung: don't worry Halmeoni. They will pay back soo.


To be continued.....

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