Chapter 5

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Author Pov :

As jungkook saw the police searching for him . He sneaked out and ran back home . He was running faster as he was only one street away He bumped into someone as he fell on his bum . He shrieked in pain and look up to see a guy. 

??? : ohhh I am so sorry mister

He apologized as he quickly got up and helped jungkook to stand up to . Jungkook looked at his face as he made a shocked face with wide eyes .

??? : omg Jeon jungkook

Jungkook gulped in horror thinking maybe he will tell police about him.  He was about to turn and run but he quickly spoke

??? : hey don't worry i am not going to report you to police . I was just going to your house to .

Jungkook turned and raised a brow

Jungkook: who are you how you know me

He chuckled

??? : I have seen you on social media and I am Jun , Kang Jun son of Kang Hwan .

Jungkook nodded

Jungkook: I think I have seen you .

Jun : yes we were in same university and class

Jungkook: ohhh Jun it's you . I pretty didn't recognized you.  How are you men

Jun : oh thank God you remembered me . Else I was thinking you will not .

Jungkook chuckled as they both did a bro hug
But soon heard police sirens

Jun : I think we should hurry to your house before police come .

They both ran to his house . Jungkook opened the door with his keys as he entered with him inside. Namjoon was bringing bags downstairs along with his dad

Jaehyun: where were you jungk-

His father shouted but stopped when he saw another men behind him.

Jaehyun: who is th-

Namjoon : ohh Jun welcome

Namjoon greeted him as jungkook excused himself to check up on Joy.

Jun : hello I am Kang Jun .

He greeted Mr.Jeon

Jaehyun : ohh Jun it's nice meeting you . How you met Jungkook

Jun : well I was coming to your house when I bumped in him.  And we ran here due to police .

Jaehyun : what police

Jun : yes there is alot police searching you out their . So we have to hurry . I have booked your tickets . And don't worry we will safely fly off .

Namjoon : thank Jun. Just hold on . We are just done .

The jeons quickly pack up as they all came downstairs and greeted Jun.  Jun called his men as they came with three black SUV . Everyone got seated.

Jun : please wear these masks also don't gave a damn to anyone.  Because luckily I have blocked the news from USA so majority people will not recognize you .

Jungkook was all the time with disagreeing look . Beacuse he was suspicious about him still .

They all reached airport and Jun took them to his private plane.

And luckily their journey of destruction started .

At Kims Mansion ; New York.

Everyone was having a family dinner at Kim's Mansion . The Jungs , the Parks and the Mins were present and specially Mr.Jeon Han and Jeon Haile were also present.  The table was filled with giggles , talks and laughter.  But soon everyone went quiet when they saw a cold face Taehyung entering.  Quickly his mother who was actually not his real mother spoke .

Hana : Taehyung dear come have dinner .

Taehyung nodded as he sat beside his 9 year old niece Nina and 6 year old nephew woojin. Who smiled brightly seeing him and climbed his lap.  As his mother scolded him

Rose : woojin get off . Let him have his dinner .

Woojin : no , woo loves taetae .

He spoke in his baby voice as he snuggled in Taehyungs chest .

Taehyung : it's okay. Let him stay .

He spoke as he kissed his forehead as woojin smiled brightly on which Taehyung smiled a little . Everyone saw them in awe beacuse this guy was one of the cold guys who never smiles .

Taehyungs mother served him as all of them started eating .
Suddenly his grandpa spoke .

Kim Cha : taehyung dear . I was thinking if you get married now.  It's very important and now you are 32 to so I think you should get married many problems are getting aroused in company due to you being single .

Taehyung stooped eating as he looked at his grandfather with a emotionless face . He loved his grandparents alot .

Taehyung: why is it necessary to get married for company's sake .

He spoke with a little hard tone as everyone looked at him .

Do yoon : taehyung dear a men who is doing business at such high level needs to get married and it's your marriage age already . It's giving bad influence to company as it's necessary for the CEO to be married. As there are high risks for rumors which will take your company down.

Taehyung : But-

He spoke but was cutted of by his grandmother

Hera : dear I know . But you should move on now taehyung.  Marry Euri she is a nice girl .

Taehyung stared at hoseok who was already staring at him with a emotionless face . He then stared at yoongi who was giving weird looks to everyone and his sister who was literally blushing with her head down . As taehyung internally cringed .

Mrs.Min : I know taehyung it's difficult for you but I hope you will have best life head . You should give a chance to your life .

Taehyung stared at them as he spoke and everyone smiled widely at his response

Taehyung: OK. 

Taehyung Pov :

After dinner I came in my room as I entered the bathroom for a shower . I tap the button and water started to pour on my bare body .

Fuck I say yes to them . But my heart is not at peace . My heart is hurting alot and no one can heal it except her . I can't forget that day when I mistakenly bumped into her . But it was my life's most beautiful mistake I guess . For years I have waited for her . My spark to live lwft my body . I hated it . I lost her two times and this broke me whole.  I know no one can fill her void . I don't want to fill Euris heart with high hopes because I know I can never love her. When my princess is still in my heart . When I got to know she died in car accident I wasn't able to belive . On that day I was broken so much that only my heart was filled with revenge . And only revenge . A revenge in which I will destroy every single soul .


To be continued

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