Chapter 10

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Author Pov : At Kims .

It was 9 on the clock and everyone was ready . Just waiting for taehyung to arrive . Everyone was seated in the big lounge . It was not a big arrangement just the family close ones . Jimin his wife and his parents . Jung hoseok and his father . Min yoongi and his parents . Mr and Mrs . Kim Do yoon where else his grandparents Kim Cha and his wife Hera and Jeon Han and his wife Haile along with Taehyungs older brother seokjin and his wife rose and their two kids.  Also Kim Suho their cousin. 

Later Euri came downstairs along with Jennie and rose.
Everyone stared her in awe .

Hana : off euri you are looking so beautiful

Euri was wearing a long dark emerald colour off shoulder gown. 

Euri : thank you .

She spoke shyly .

Everyone was chit chatting

Do yoon : taehyung will be here soon . It's 9:30 almost now

Suddenly Seokjins phone buzzed he was laughing but frowned when he saw a call from his secretary. 

Seokjin : hello.....yes....WHAT DID YOU SAY ?

He literally shouted as he abruptly stood up as everyone flinched

Seokjin : did you know what the fuck you are saying......OK fucking block all the sites . Media should not know this at any fucking cost .

He groaned angrily as he turned around to face all questioning faces .

Do Yoon : what happened, who was it .

Seokjin : secretary from company.

Do yoon frowned

Cha : now what problem is created in the company

Seokjin : not in company now but with taehyung their is .

He frustratedly run his hand through his hairs as he took a seat .

Hoseok : what he did .

Everyone was looking at him .

Seokjin : he purchased a girl from the auction .

Everyone eyes widened . Euri face became pale and hurt was evident on her face.

Do Yoon : what the fuck you are saying. Do you even know . That auction never sells girls . For fucks sake. 

Seokjin : that us the fucking problem dad . They did this time and probably everyone was shocked . He purchased a damn girl for 50 millions.  The most raised bid of today . Can you belive

Cha : is taehyung gone crazy.  What the fuck is he trying to do . From when he started doing this shit .

His grandpa angrily spoke

Beomseok : how is it possible as far I know he never looked at any girl after that . The why he did it .

The all happy atmosphere was now vanished . As the atmosphere now was tense . Euri was on the verge of sobbing .

Do Yoon : if he did this fucking stunt to call of the engagement.  Then it's his fucking illusion .

Suddenly the door brust open revealing Kim Taehyung holding a petite figure in his arms bridal style covered with his black coat .

Everyone stood up with shocked faces .

He without glancing anyone moved to the stairs

Do Yoon : what the hell of this Kim Fucking Taehyung

He shouted at his son . Who without listening directly went upstairs .

Jun entered as the turned to him .

Jimin : you were with him . What is this . Is he crazy why he purchased a sex slave.  For God saw Kim Taehyung is gone crazy

Jun was quiet to what to say .

Jun : umm

Seokjin : why he purchased her

Jun : because . Umm because she is yn

Everyone eyes widened as hoseok ran to him grabbing him by his collar

Hoseok : what the fuck you just say . Do you know what you are saying. 

Jun : it's the truth it's yn.  She was presented their at the auction .

Hoseok left him as his hands started to tremble and tears awarded to flow .

Jimin : what hiw when .she died didn't she

Everyone was shocked waiting for taehyung to come back.

At Taehyungs room .

Taehyung put her petite figure on the bed as he sat beside her and kissed her forehead

Taehyung: rest well princess.  Now you are safe .

He glanced and came out of his room . He saw a maid

Taehyung: bring some nice clothes for her and as she wake up give her and let her freshen up

The maid nodded as taehyung came downstairs.  Hoseok ran to him

Hoseok : is it her . Please tell me

He spoke with tears in his eyes

Taehyung: it's her .

Jimin : but how . Didn't she-

Taehyung: I know I know for fucks sale now stop because I am already digging in it . Let her wake uo then we will ask what happened.  And secondly I am not getting married now .

He spoke with no remorse as he went to the library with Jun .

Yn Pov :

I slowly opened my eyes to am unfamiliar surrounding.  I gasped in horror. But them reality hit me .omg taehyung.  He found me . I can't fucking belive . Tears welled up in my eyes. 

How much I waited for this moment .

I stood up when the door opened revealing a maid I guess .

Maid : of mam you are awake . These clothes are send by . You can freshen up and then I will escort you downstairs

I nodded as I went to the bathroom taking the clothes . I gasped it qas in dark theme but very large and magnificent. 

I stripped my piece of cloth as I took a warm shower as I came out of shower . I looked at my body full of scars . I wiped my eyes . I put on the new clothes.  As I came outside I saw the maid .

Maid : please come everyone is downstairs.  Let me take you.

I nodded as I wondered who else is here rather then him . Am i safe here. 

As I stepped out of the room. I was met by a long lobby . This house is so big . We climbed the stairs down . When I heard voices . I reached the end to see many people sitting infront of me.  The maid took their attention as all heads snapped towards me.

Maid : Sir , mam is here

But my eyes widened my I spotted three familiar faces. Jimin , Jennie , Halmeoni .


To be continued......

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