Chapter 30

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Author Pov :

Yn was breathing heavily . Her chest heaving up and down . Taehyung noticed her flustered state and moved more closer to her . Their bodies touching against each other

He dig his face in the crook of her neck as he brushed his nose on her neck and spoke

Taehyung: I am sorry .

Yn was surprised with his statement but the no distance between them made her difficult to speak

Yn : w-why ar-e y-you a-pol-ogizing .

Taehyung: for being cold back their . i-i just can't belive the fact that you told.  I thought that Christian Parker has something for you but when you told of being him your brother . I fel5 bad for mistooking the situation.  And then after all he is one of my rivals to . It ju- it just messed up in my mind. I am sorry

He pressed a tender kiss on her neck as he then stared in her eyes.  Both of them drowning into each other eyes .

Yn : it-s o-kay . You dont have to be sorry tae

Taehyung felt tingling in his stomach on the word tae as yn spoke sweetly smiling at him.  He closed the gap between their faces and pressed his lips on hers

Taehyung kissed her tenderly savoring her by wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her into himself .

Yn was a blushing mess in the kiss as she never felt that which Taehyung was making her feel . Slowly her hands made their way in his soft locks as she caressed them in between the kiss. 

Minutes later both of them parted gasping air . Both of them breathing heavily . Taehyung joined their foreheads as both of them had their eyes closed

Taehyung : I love you so much princess

Christian Parker Pov :

I dropped yn at the Kim Mansion and was on my way back . Well my heart is at peace . I tried to act cold but all failed after her scolding.  I was just not able to digest the fact that my little sister was alive

But now I am very happy. The most surprising and shocking thing is hoseok and Jun are my lost brothers . Well I really want to live as a family . A reunited family and I will do everything I my hand to reunite .

I took out my phone and called my secretary

Chris : cancel all deals with Knights and Delo . All weapons should be taken back which we sold to them and return those which we purchased.  Also declare that we are no more partners with them.  Declare that I am not V's enemy anymore .

The spoke and cut the call . I know taehyung thinks me that I have stolen his immunitions but it want me it was Delo gangs leader .

Well I will make everything right now .

At New York Airport .

Mark Choi along with his wife Mi-sun and and daughter dahyun reached New York . Because he leaked his company's projects to their rivals and stole money from his company and now he was wanted by police so he ran to new York.  A friend of him was helping him in that and it was none other then Kang Hwan 😏

Kang sent his men to escort them to Starlight Residency Apartment .

Upon reaching their the three of them were in awe seeing the Lavish apartment . As they were waiting outside their apartment door for the men to return with the card the door of the apartment onformt of them opened revealing joy .

And all of them got surprised

Dahyun : oh my god joy . What arr you did get here girl I was going crazy contacting you

Joy was also staring at her wide eyed .

Joy: what arr you doing here girl I should ask that

She turned her head to look at her parents who were already looking at her .

Joy : hello Mr and Mrs Choi.

They both greeted her to

Misun : Are you living here

Joy: well yes we shifted her along with the jeons here .

They all nodded when the men came back with the Card and handed them

Joy : you freshen up.  Then we will catch up later . We have alot to tell each other

Dahyun nodded and went inside her apartment with her parents. Joy looked for Jungkook but he wasn't their so she went inside .

At Night :

Jungkook came back home after making Amy sleep . He came back to freshen up as jisoo told she will look after Amy and went to the hospital .

Jungkook went upstairs to his room and found it empty finding it strange.  He came out to see lights on in the study room so quietly went their . Only a little bit of door was opened and and tried seeing in .

Amd saw Joy talking with his father.

Joy : he fought with me and left . I am telling you he fall in love with that bitch that's why he shouted on me .

Jaehyun : why isn't any dead yet .

Jubgkook felt his land slipping beneath his feets

Joy : I added the poison everyday she will soon die . She is just one damn stubborn soul taking to long to die .

Jaehyun : I don't want any gene of isuel near me.  How much I hate her .

Joy : wasn't she the one whom you love then why you killed her and I am hundred percent sure you have feed jungkook with lies .

Jaehyun:  Kim isuel was my classmate in my college and I had a crush on her but she never used to notice me. One day I decided to propose her and did that but that beomseok puvhed me saying that he is married to her . I wasn't able to digest it and kidnapped her and forced myself onto her. The next day police arrest me iseul was rescued.  Her brother Kim Do yoon and Jung Beomseok beated me like hell . Later I got to know that the person who told them about me kidnapping isuel was my own dad Jeon Han.  After a year I was released from prison and my dad married me to haejee beacuse in his eyes I was the worst men and he hated me but my love for iseul wasn't lessened so I decided to take revenge from all those who came in between me and her so first I killed my own father and inherited his company because he .........


To be continued.......

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