Chapter 5

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Layla, looked stunning in her blue dress. To the point where it made me nervous to look at her. But she was like a magnet and my eyes gravitated towards her anyway.

"So" she started. "We got interrupted before, but your sister is adorable. I wouldn't have been able to let her go either." She looked so sincere talking about my favorite person on this planet.

"Don't let her hear you say that, she'd just boss you around." I chuckled, "she had a hard time at her old school. The other kids bullied her viciously, to where she had become a shell of her old self..." Just the thought of those kids that had bullied her, made me clench my jaw.

She had been such a bright child, always happy and rambling about whatever had caught her attention during the day. She was stubborn and sweet and very sensitive. Just before we had moved she had been withdrawn and solemn. I sometimes wished I could've been her age so I could protect her from her classmates. "That's when my parents decided the move was long overdue."

Layla looked like she had lost some color from her beautiful brown skin. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I stared.

But before I could finish my sentence she cut me of with a "No, don't apologize, I'm sorry about that kids can be mean." We had been walking down a street and just at the end I could see a bakery with a yellow door and a sign above that read 'sweet treats & sandwiches'. I wanted to comment on what she had said but before I could, Layla added "we're here".

We entered the shop and I was met with a cozy interior, it had checkered floors and armchairs that had probably seen better days. They had put on some low jazz music to add to the overall cozy vibe. Layla approached the desk showcasing their food and looked through the glass encasing at all they had to offer.

" I don't know why I'm pretending to look, really. I only come here for their focaccia bread." She said whilst still looking at all of their baked goods.

I chuckled "I'll have whatever you're having. What would you like to drink?"

"I think I'll have a water." She replied, now looking up at their drinks menu.

"Okay, go have a seat I'll order for us." That made her finally look at me.

"No, it's fine I can pay for myself." Most times when our eyes met, hers always looked away. I wondered if it was out of nerves or if she was like that with everyone.

"You can pay the next time." I caught the blush on her high cheekbones and she quickly nodded. And made her escape towards a booth further in at the cafe.

I ordered our food and carried it over along with utensils to the table she had chosen, when I'd sat down and met her eyes for the first time in what felt like an eternity. She muttered a low "Thank you."

We started eating and she asked me about the differences between America and England. I told her all the things I enjoyed like the hot weather, the beaches and the fun fairs. And she told me more about the university.

I got the impression that she didn't want to stray away from the safe areas. And I didn't want to push her. After we had eaten she asked me what my sisters name was.

"Kimberly, do you have any siblings." I said.

"It's a pretty name, I have an older brother." she glanced away.

"If you want I could introduce you guys someday? I think she needs some womanly influences in her life, besides my mom."

"Yeah I wouldn't mind, she seems adorable. I can tell how proud you are of her."

"Yeah? Of course, she's young but she's stronger than most people I know" I smiled just thinking of her.

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