Chapter 27

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By the time the film was over I think all three of us got chocked up at some point even Archer. When we were headed to the car, Kimberly walking between us both, reached for each of our hands.

My eyes met Archers with a smile, his lips twitched in silent amusement at his sisters antics. Kimberly was raving about how good the movie was, and how the actors voice was so amazing. "I'm going to tell all my new friends at school that my brothers girlfriend looks like Ariel."

"W-what?" I stuttered dumbfounded.

"Well your as pretty as her and if you dyed your hair red you'd really be Ariel. And if Archer dyed his hair black he could be Eric." She continued.

"I think I'm missing the fins for that, love." I laughed awkwardly.

"At least we have a Halloween costume idea." Archer snickered seemingly enjoying the idea.

When we reached the car Archer opened both our doors at the same time, and helped Kimberly with her belt. The way he took care of her made my heart melt.

When he got in the driver seat he asked, "do you want me to drive you home first?" He asked me.

"Uh-" before I could even finish Kimberly cut me of,

"No please stay with us, we can all have a sleepover." When I turned to look at her she had her hands up placed together in front of her body, pouting her lips and making her eyes big "please, pretty please!"

"Kimberly it's a school night, and you have to be in bed soon." Archer protested.

"Archer please I'll be good I swear it, I'll go to bed when you tell me to!" She pleaded with him

He gave a small sigh but I interjected before he could deny her, because truth was I didn't want to go home to my lonely flat.

"If Archer's okay with it." I said looking at him.

"Fine." He sighed, muttering under his breath "why am I surrounded by girls I can't say no to."

I silently laughed at him. On the drive home Kimberly insisted Archer play the little mermaid soundtrack and she sang along all the way home, surprisingly even hitting a few high notes. When I complimented her singing she told me she went to singing class, dance class, and figure skating.

When we'd gotten upstairs, their was the issue of where to sleep. We could all sleep on the sofa seeing as it extended into a big bed. Or we could each take deprecate rooms. Kimberly immediately protested, saying "it's not a sleepover if we all sleep in different rooms."

"I mean she has a point," I agreed shrugging.

Archer sighed again "Fine, I'll make our bed for the night. You two can go change." He added "Layla you can just grab whatever you want to sleep in from my room."

"I'll come back and help," I assured him, I didn't want to be a bad guest and make him do all the work.

"Race you!" Kimberly exclaimed and instantly started running before I'd even processed her words.

"Hey! That's cheating" I called after her chasing her giggles.

She obviously won, and laughed at me while I was still trying to catch my breath. "You won by default. I said my pride slightly bruised.

"No I didn't, you just have to be faster next time" she replied while skipping into her room. I chuckled shaking my head going into Archers.

His bedroom had the same interior as much of the rest of the house, a big soft looking bed with white sheets, two nightstands at each side decorated with what looked like a mushroom lamp.

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