Chapter 21

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When Archer pulled up in front of my gate I told him to wait in the car, not only did I not want him to see my flat. But I knew I was going to be throwing things around and probably getting frustrated with my hair. I only had about 20 minutes to try and do something with it.

I rushed upstairs and threw open my flat door, I went to the bathroom and started spraying my hair with water and adding curl defining products. After a while I managed to put the top half into a tight ponytail and secured a strand around the hair tie to keep it hidden.

After that was done I put on my dress, and heels. I found a random lipgloss and put it, along with my phone and my keys in my purse. I sprayed myself with my only perfume and quickly exited my flat.

I made my way downstairs and startled when Archer was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and he swallowed hard.

"Wow, in case I didn't tell you before, you look absolutely exquisite." He said sincerely taking me in.

My cheeks heated, "Thank you Archer, so do you. I like that we match." I giggled, "did you do that on purpose?"

"Yeah, I wanted everyone to know I was with the most stunning woman there."

"Flatterer" I chuckled, " shall we go?" And so we went.

The drive was about half an hour outside of the city. It was in a chateau that was lit up with braziers burning bright against the walls and gleaming lights twinkling in the excessive amount of windows.
On the outside there were trees that had all been cut into a perfect circles standing next to each other dividing the mansion from the driveway. There was also a body of water to the left of the grounds glittering in the moons light.

Archer got out and gave his keys to a man that just stood there waiting. He came over to my side and opened my door extending his hand, before saying "My lady" in an exaggerated posh British accent.

I chuckled and placed my hand in his to steady my exit out of his big car "maybe you were a British duke in another life."

He placed my hand in the bend of his elbow so I could steady myself against him while we walked on the pebbles leading to the stairs covered in a red mat. Walking in heels on uneven ground even if they were short was hard.

"Or maybe I was a 18th century tavern wench, luring all the sailors out of their coin. I think that would be much more fun than a boring duke."

"I suppose, if you like being surrounded by smelly men that have been at sea for months." I wrinkled my nose.

He laughed loudly without a care for who heard him, "You're right I think I'd take dukedom over that, even if the upperclassmen probably reeked of piss and body odor themselves."

I giggled at that, but before I could reply we were standing by the doorway of the chateau. There was a statue of a naked man looking mighty and regal right by the entrance. The floors were impeccably polished, a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and two butlers each holding a tray of champagne flutes with one hand greeting all the guests.

At each side of the room there were curving stairs leading up, and under them was, what looked like a ball room, the double doors standing open. "Do you want one?" Archer asked me indicating towards the champagne.

"Uhm, yeah sure." I realized I'd been staring and taking everything in with wide eyes, he handed the drink to me and I took a big sip.

"Come on let's go find my parents." He said leading me away, my hand still tucked away in his elbow.

"Isn't Kimberly coming?" I asked.

"She's probably in bed my now, it's past her bed time."

I forgot that normal families set a bed time for their children and didn't leave them to their own devices all hours of the day.

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