Chapter 40

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When we got back to Archers flat he disappeared upstairs, I sat down in the sofa, a red tint to my cheeks and a silly smile on my face that I couldn't control no matter what. He had kissed me, my first kiss. And it had been better than the romance books I read had said it would be. At risk of sounding dramatic, I felt changed like something deep inside me had changed. Or maybe it was the rest of the world that had changed. Either way all I knew was that I had never been happier.

But my most important take away was that he felt the same as I did. I didn't know what to do with myself now. I was tracing my lips again, when Archer came bounding down the stairs.

His cheeks had were smattered with a blush as well and he suddenly looked shy, he cleared his throat "I prepared a bath for you, seeing as you never got to swim." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the stairs.

"Archer," I stood suddenly emotional, "you're so sweet." I approached him and bound my arms across his waist, "Thank you, I really appreciate it." He placed his hand on the back of my neck and kissed my head.

"Anything for you baby." He took my hand, "come on before the water gets cold." We went into his bathroom where he had a claw tub. He had turned the lights off and lit some scented candles so the room smelled like lavender and the woods after it had rained, the tub was filled with water and some bubbles on top.

"You can get in, I'll wait downstairs for you." He let released my hand.

"Archer," when he turned towards me I kissed him, maybe with a little too much vigor because our teeth knocked together, he chuckled grabbing the back of my neck and kissed me so slowly and sweetly my toes curled in my socks.

And then he was gone before I had even grasped that he had let me go.


After I had my relaxing bath that Archer prepared I put on a pair of shorts I packed with me and put on his big hoodie that stopped a little further than mid thigh. And went downstairs, the scene that greeted me was a plate filled with food waiting for me on our usual eating spots.

"How did you even have time to make all this?" I asked shocked, he had made us potatoes, a thick piece of steak and what looked like some type of mushroom cream sauce.

He shrugged "What can I say? I know my way around the kitchen," he winked which was so out of the norm for him my mouth almost dropped open, my stomach doing summersaults. Then he ordered me to sit, I sat.

"Would you like some wine with your meal Madame?" He joked,

"Yes, please." He poured us each a glass and took the seat next to me.

I picked up my fork and cut the meat, the juices oozing out of it. I took a bite and if i thought he could cook before. He had exceeded every expectation I had of him.

"Archer, seriously you should open a restaurant. I don't even like red meat, but this is probably the best thing I've eaten." I said after I chewed my food.

"Let's not push it" he laughed, " I only enjoy cooking for people I l-" he cleared his throat and took a gulp of wine, " care about, and besides I'd need a whole retinue of chefs that I'd have to train, right now I'm too busy trying to teach you." he continued.

"Okay Mr. Humble pie," I chuckled.

"Eat your food Ms. Focaccia" he replied laughing at my shocked face.

That night we drank wine while I made Archer watch Bridgeton with me.

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