Chapter 46

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Everything was moving and I felt like I was on a roller coaster when I closed my eyes. As soon as Archer pushed down on the acceleration when we were on the motorway I felt a wave of nausea roll over me. I swallowed my saliva trying to force it down and my stomach rolled.

When he slowed down it hadn't passed as I thought it would. Connor and his friends were talking and laughing in the background, and I felt heat flashes take over. I was getting overwhelmed and rolled down the window, Archer placed his hand on my bare thigh. "We're almost there."

I nodded and as soon as I moved my head I felt the vomit creep up my throat, I took a deep breath and collected myself enough to mutter a low "pull over."

Archer quickly maneuvered the car to the side of the road and I almost fell out with how quickly I was trying to get away I hurried to the back of the car and as soon as I bent at the waist, everything I had eaten came out. And so did Archer with a bottle of water.

He held my hair back and rubbed my back making soothing noises. My eyes were dripping tears, after I was done he handed me the water, I gurgled it and spit it out a string of saliva running down my lips. "I'm never drinking, ever again."

"Maybe, not as much?" Archer added unhelpfully.

"Can we go home now." I said still out of breath. For a second my head had cleared, but now I still felt as drunk as I previously had, minus the nausea thankfully. Archer opened my side of the door for me and as soon as I got in I heard Connors laughter as one of the girls whispered loudly about "being a pussy."

I didn't know if she had meant me, but if the three pairs of eyes drilling holes in the back of my head were any indication, I would assume so. Or maybe I was being paranoid and drunk. I decided to ignore it for now.

Archer got in and started driving again, and I watched the world pass us. "How does it feel to go from baby bottles to liquor?" Connor said loudly, I assumed he was talking to one of the girls because surely he wasn't speaking to me. I didn't react, until I felt a long nail dig into my shoulder causing me to flinch.

Archer saw it from the corner of his eye, and said "Keep your fingers to yourself."

"Are you deaf as well as a pussy that can't handle her alcohol and let's her boyfriend speak for her?" The girl behind me said crudely and laughed as if it was the funniest joke ever. But nobody laughed with her.

"What did you just say?" I asked baffled turning around.

"So you are dea-" she said but stopped mid sentence when Archer swerved the car to the side of the road for the second time.

"Get the fuck out of my car." Was all I heard before chaos ensued,

"What the fuck?"

"Dude, it's not even that deep." That was Connor.

"Who does she think she is?"

Their voices overlapped, and then one of the girls lunged at me scratching at my face with her long nails. I backed away as much as my seatbelt allowed and tried to push her away. She reached for my hair, then Archer grabbed her along the waist and flung her back in her seat. He stretched his body so that he was covering the gap from the backseat to the front.

"Get the fuck out of my car, all of you!" He roared. I think everyone was shocked because nobody moved or said anything. "NOW."

That's when they all started scrambling out, before they could slam the door Archer picked up a heel someone had lost and threw it at Connor, "And take your fucking shit with you."

As soon as the door closed he pulled out, the tires screeching. I was clutching the handle on the roof for dare life. He drove for a few moments, before glancing at me. "You're bleeding" my hand flew to my face, as I pulled the compartment mirror down.

My face was indeed bleeding, I had five gashes running down my skin, and my stomach dropped. Archer parked the car, and opened my door and led me to the elevator. Neither of us spoke.

When we entered his apartment, he immediately dragged me to his bathroom where he lifted me on top of the counter and took out a first aid kit from under the sink.

I watched as he washed his hands and then grabbed a cotton pad and doused it in alcohol, "this might hurt," he said and quickly cleaned the first wound before I could react to his words. In no time he was done. "I think it's best if we let the wounds breathe."

I hopped down from the counter, now that the blood was cleaned away. Seeing  the red angry gashes and at regular intervals the white flesh underneath made my stomach drop further. I swallowed and turned away. I headed to his closet and grabbed a sweatshirt. When I went back to the bathroom he was still there leaning on his arms which he had placed on the sink his head lowered.

"Can I change in here?" My voice came out in a hoarse whisper, Archer watched me through the mirror trying to gauge my emotions.

"Of course." He threw the bloody cotton pads away and left the room, he paused by me where I stood in the doorway but I didn't look at him, I was busy staring at the claw tub he always prepared a bath for me in.

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