Chapter 16

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After we had cleaned up breakfast, with a lot of pouting from Layla's side because I hadn't allowed her to help. I didn't want her to go, but at the same time I knew I should probably ask if she wanted to go home. It was Saturday and she probably had things to do and I was keeping her here.

I cleared my throat after wiping down the counter, and was just about to ask her if she wanted to do that. When the elevator doors leading to the apartment dinged open and a small body flew towards me. It was Kimberly, I reflexively picked her up and carried her above my head for a few seconds, just as she liked before giving her a big hug. Her small body a fraction of my own.

I heard my mothers surprised "Oh..." before I saw her.

She stood frozen in the entrance impeccably dressed as she usually was. looking above my shoulder at Layla.

Kimberly suddenly gasped "you have a girl here?" Immediately followed by "Wow she's so pretty!"

My mother cleared her throat, "Come now Kimberly, don't steal all the hugs for yourself." I set her down and embraced my mom. Even if we had just seen each other a few days past, we were a family of huggers.

She turned once again towards Layla who had sat silent and frozen during all this and said "Hello dear, I'm Alice and this is little Kimberly. You must be Layla."

Layla instantly awoke from her spell, "Hi, yes. Nice to meet you."

Kimberly took over the conversation,"Are you Archers girlfriend?" She said expectantly a wide gappy smile on her face.

Both me and Layla simultaneously blushed. And I thought I heard my mom give a small cough.

"No, I'm not." Layla replied through both our embarrassment.

"Why not? You're so pretty..." Kim questioned with wide eyes.

"Okay" I said clapping my hands together loudly deciding to cut in. "Why are you guys here?" I asked my mother. They did visit a lot but not before giving me a heads up.

"What a mother can't go visit her son?" She laughed " I wanted to remind you of the Lawyers Association Awards Gala tonight." She said rummaging through her bag.

In truth I had completely forgotten it. My mind occupied with other things. Layla rose from her chair, "I should probably go, it was really nice to meet you both."

"Oh no, stay honey. Archer why don't you bring this pretty young lady? I'm sure Cal wouldn't mind." Mom said referring to my father. I knew what she was doing, she was trying to play matchmaker.

She seemed to already have taken a liking to Layla. Like mother like son, I guess.

Layla started protesting, "no it's okay I couldn't p-"

I cut her off, "Come on, you would be saving me from all the boring talk of laws and grandchildren." I pleaded with my eyes.

In truth I wanted her to come for my own selfish reasons. "I-I don't have anything to wear, and I don't want to intrude." She stuttered.

My mom cut in, "You're not intruding dear, we want you there. You can take Archers card and order something from the boutiques down at Hallow Road with express delivery straight here. I have a hair and make up artist coming over to the house, I can send her directly over to you. No harm no foul." She clapped her hands loudly as I had done before, "now that that's settled, I have to take Kimberly to her dance lessons."

I cringed a little with the fact that she had just overrode Layla's wishes and decided her fate for her. She usually did it without realizing how insensitive she could be. I didn't want Layla to feel forced to partake in something she didn't want to.

"Mom, you can't just force he-" I was cut of by Layla.

"It's okay... if you don't mind, I don't. I really appreciate it Mrs. Whitlock." Layla gracefully accepted.

"Fantastic! I'll see you kids there, no later than 8pm, you better not be late Archer!" She directed at me along with a kiss on my cheek, before she pulled a dazed Kimberly along with her out the door.

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