Chapter 24

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Today was Monday, which meant me and Layla unfortunately had class. But fortunately that meant I would get to see her and not seem desperate by suggestion we do something. I had spent my Sunday with Kimberly as I always do, it had become a kind of tradition for us. Sometimes she would spend the night if my parents wanted to go on a date.

Despite here being only 8 I thought she was hilarious, witty and honest in a way only kids could be. Especially lately. Now that she didn't have a big cloud hanging over her anymore she shined as brightly as the sun and nothing made me happier.

She's spent most of the day talking about Layla and how pretty she was, and if she would liked horses, what her favorite color was. I actually didn't know those things about her, but I would make sure to know everything there was about her.

Kimberly had also spent the evening putting my hair in about a hundred messy pink ponytails, and painting my nails lilac. After she had attacked my delicate senses with my new nail color she bossed me around to make her French toast and ice cream from scratch. I didn't really mind, I could never say no to her even if I wanted to.

I was on my laptop editing a few notes from previous classes when I heard a voice I didn't recognize, "Hey, is this seat taken?" When I looked up it was that girl from before Michael Jackson or something, her eyes hopeful for some reason. I had clearly marked the seat as taken, having placed my bag on top of it.

I looked at her in boredom, "Yes, Layla." I deliberately said her name slowly, "will be here any second." Her expression fell.

"Oh..." she cleared her throat, "I-I'll just go then..." she looked down at her feet, up at my eyes, and down at her feet again before I let out a "Goodbye." I think even Kimberly was a better actress.

She turned slowly -probably hoping I couldn't see through her act and stop her- and came face to face with Layla, holding two to go cups. I let out a breath of relief and removed my bag.

"Oh...!" Makayla exclaimed, " I didn't notice you lurking behind me" I couldn't see Maya's face, but I really didn't like her tone.

I could however see Layla's her perfectly arched eyebrow raise, her lips twitching in amusement. "We'll you do now... so if you'll excuse me. I'm trying to get to my seat." She said with a sweet smile. That's my girl.

May didn't even say anything but she finally moved at a faster pace escaping to another seat near the front.

Layla sat down in her seat, "what an eventful morning." She chuckled.

"Who would've thought Brits preferred morning drama over morning tea?" I shook my head slowly holding in my laughter.

"Who said we couldn't do both?" She asked raising her eyebrow again, she looked painfully beautiful.

"Here, I didn't know what you liked so I just got us both peppermint tea." She said passing me a cup. I wanted to kiss her, it was my favorite.

"It's my favorite..." we both said at the same time.

"Well look at you already becoming a proper British lad." She laughed.

Today she wore her hair up in a tight bun, her long graceful neck on show, she had a mole the left side of it. I wanted my lips to taste it. I instantly banished the thought.

She wore a black long sleeve shirt paired with black baggy jeans and black vans, even if she had on the universal outfit for robbers I thought she looked beautiful.

"Thanks for the tea."

"Yeah well if it's shit don't blame me, it's from the school cafeteria. And I'm sure they haven't changed kettles since the 1800's."

"Mm I love questionable things floating in my drinks. It adds a little oomph." I said playfully.

"I mean beggars can't be choosers."

"Do you have another class today?" I asked hoping she would say no.

"No but I have history tomorrow, you?"

"Nah, you want to go see the new adaptation of the little mermaid tonight with me and Kimberly?"

"Is that even a question?" She exclaimed looking so exited a wide grin on her face.

"That was my favorite film growing up, look." She took out a necklace tucked in her shirt, it was a heart locket and on the cover was a picture of Ariel and Sebastian. I could tell she had worn it a lot.

"I've had this since I was 6, I found it on the playground and I've had it since." She tucked it back in her shirt with a reminiscent smile on her face.

"Well now we really have to go see it. I mean the movie was good, but I personally preferred The Lion King." I shrugged.

"That's because you're a man, The little mermaid is a masterpiece." She playfully shook her head at me.

"What do you like so much about it?" The only vivid memory I had of it was that I wanted to be a merman just so I could breathe under water.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "maybe the fact that it has mermaids?" She laughed, but the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

"I just think it tells a beautiful story about a girl displeased with her life. And she grabs her own fate in her hands and changes it. She was so desperate that even knowing she would loose her voice couldn't stop her. Her heart aches to explore a new world, and she gets to do that. It just goes to show how the shackles put on people are meant to be broken, if you don't like your own reality maybe the risk will be worth it to make a change." She said wistfully, she looked sad again.

Her eyes that I had gotten used to being filled with amusement, now covered by a shadow of pain. Then she shook her head a few time like trying to erase all the things she was feeling and then she was back to normal, like nothing happened

She chuckled at her own expense it seemed, "I don't know it's just a silly child's film, It's not that-"

I interrupted her before she could say more, "I haven't really thought about that before but it makes sense when you put it that way, I liked that analysis of Ariel... You were a smart kid. Smarter than I was, that's for sure." I grabbed her hand and pulled it into my lap, and she smiled at me her eyes twinkling again.

Professor Radcliffe entered the hall and as usual the students acted like this was Hogwarts and he would put a curse on them if they didn't shut up.

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