Chapter 51

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It wasn't fine, but I could tell that Layla didn't want a confrontation and after the night she had and the fact that it seemed like she had tried to run away I eased off. I would be having a conversation with Connor about this. But for now I didn't want her around him.

"Your things are in your room." I said again after a moment indicating for him get it.

He nodded and went upstairs, as soon as he was out of ear shot I turned to Layla letting her hand go. Her big bag lay beside her on the floor. "Where did you go?" I started slowly.

"I wanted to go to my flat, but... I changed my mind, and then I saw Connor." She replied, looking at her feet.

"So you were just planning to leave? Without saying anything." I trailed off, in truth I was hurt.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left, I know it was wrong and that you're angry with me." She pulled her lips inwards.

"I'm not angry with you Layla, I'm hurt." I said honestly.

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I promise I'll do better, just don't give up on me." Her voice was wobbly and rushed, I wanted to soothe her in some way but I couldn't because after a night of thinking I had something to say.

"I think maybe you should talk to someone." I said softly as to not hurt her. "You've been through a lot, and I think it would help."

She swallowed hard and searched my face for something and averted her eyes again. "Do you think I'm mentally unwell? Is that it?"

"No, of course not. I just think it'll help process your feelings, and everyone needs someone to talk to." I shook my head, I wasn't explaining this very well.

"But...I talk to you." She sounded so sad and confused I wanted to cry for her.

"I know baby, and I would love for you to keep doing that. I'm just suggesting that a professional might be more suitable. We can go together if it'll make you feel more comfortable." My voice was as soft as I could make it.

She chewed on her lip, "I don't know..."

"We don't have to do it right away, just think about it, okay?" When she nodded I cupped the back of her head. "We're in this together." I nodded to ascertain that I wasn't going anywhere.

I could see the slight spark return to her eyes and my heart skipped a beat, I kissed her soft cheek. And just as I pulled back, Connor entered the room with his bags.

"Hey man, I just wanted to apologize again for my behavior to both of you. I really wanted this trip to go well, and I've just screwed everything up. I really hope you can find it in you to forgive me." Connor started to turn away when neither of us replied.

"I forgive you Connor." Layla said softly. She was too sweet, she didn't know Connor like I did, I loved him like a brother. He always treated life like a party, but this was my real life not a vacation for him to wreak havoc upon and then leave. It was time he learned that constantly being drunk and acting like a fool, bringing home random girls that he didn't know had consequences. And I was done enabling him especially now when people got hurt.

He gave her a small smile and left, he wasn't due back in America for another week so we had time to resolve this issue. However I wanted him to know what it could feel like losing this friendship, maybe that would make him start behaving appropriately. In truth I didn't blame him for what went down. For pouring fuel on the fire, yes. But the only one that deserved real life consequences was Poppy McEnroe, the girl who had attempted to maim Layla.

My father had found out who she was, she was 28 years old, and worked at a nursery school. How she got that job was a miracle. Now I was working on getting her blacklisted, mostly for Layla but also for the kids. She was clearly sick and who knows if she one day has a breakdown and tries to do the same to innocent children.

When Connor left. Layla had a shower and I was combing her hair, which I enjoyed doing for her. I know her arms got tired after a while and she preferred to yank the knots out.

"What are you going to do about Connor?" She asked softly.

I sighed, "I don't know yet, I don't want to end our friendship but at the same time he needs to know that what he did wasn't okay." She was sitting in the floor between my legs, and curved her arm around my calve.

"I think he deserves a second chance, he know his behavior wasn't... the best." She settled for.

I kissed her head, "I know baby, I'll think about it." After I was done doing her hair I made us something to eat. And we sat at the island.

"Your getting better at making plaits." She commented offhandedly.

"I watched a video on how to do it." I replied.

"You did?" She asked softly her eyes widening slightly.

"Yeah. I wanted you to be happy with the results." She set her spoon down.

"Why don't you kiss me anymore?"

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