Chapter 41

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When I woke up I noticed my head felt warm it was leaning against something warm and soft, and a thigh was thrown over my hip. My eyes opened to me nestled in Layla's chest our legs entangled.

My cheeks heated, and I quickly got up. I made us breakfast while she still slept in my bed. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I didn't know how. And what if she had just been  feeling vulnerable and had been trying to find comfort in me and would soon come to regret everything when she was feeling better? There were too many unknowns and I didn't like it. I sighed.

After breakfast was done I put it on a tray and took it upstairs, I had made her the focaccia she liked so much. When I entered my room she was sleeping soundly with her mouth slightly open. She truly was something a sight to behold. When I placed the tray on the bed she opened the eyes that I loved so much.

"Morning," I said taking a seat leaning against the headboard.

She sat up on her elbows, "Morning" she grumbled rubbing her eyes, I guess she was still tired.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked patting her head.

"Good, thank you." she yawned, "when did you get up?"

"About an hour ago. Here, have some tea." I placed the warm cup in her hands,

"Thanks." Her energy seemed off, as if things had gotten awkward after we kissed and that made me slightly nervous. What if she was regretting it already? Fuck.

We ate our food in tense silence, I tried reading her face to see what she was feeling, but she didn't give anything away. I barely touched my food because now I was nervous.

"Look, I know the timing of the kiss last night wasn't great and if that isn't something you want to continue with it's okay. Nothings changed between us." I started, I needed to get this off my chest otherwise I would just jump to conclusions.

Layla opened her mouth and then closed it seemingly lost for words. And then she softly said "why would you think that?" She hesitated, " do you regret it?" She asked in a small voice.

"No of course I don't. I just I feel like something's changed between us. And not for the better."

"I'm sorry," she rubbed her face again, " I know I'm acting weird, I just. I don't know, I guess I just feel uncertain, what do we do now? How do we proceed?I don't want anything to change between us." She sighed not looking at me.

"Layla," I trailed off, " do you regret the kiss?" Asking the most important question.

"No, of course not. I'm just scared I guess." She was playing with her cuticles trying to pull them off.

I placed my hand over hers, "I don't regret it either, I think we proceed by doing what feels right. All I know is that I have these immeasurable feelings in me for you, sometimes I feel as if they'll consume me. And I know that it's scary, but I also think that you're worth it. If heartbreak is what waits for me on the other side of this, then so be it." I sighed, " I would be willing to live in utter agony if it meant I would get to spend even a second with you as mine."

Layla didn't respond, she had been watching me talk and threw her arms around my neck as soon as I was done, "Archer" she said my name as if it was something revered. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her into my lap.

"Who would've thought that you'd be a hopeless romantic." She giggled.

And then she sighed, "I'm just scared that I'll loose you." We we're still locked in an embrace so I couldn't see her face.

"Hey, look at me." I cradled her head with my hand. "I'm scared too but I know you will always have me, I'll always be here no matter what. I think if we do what's right, what feels comfortable for both of us it'll all turn out okay in the end." I nodded my head the words feeling right. "And we don't have to rush anything, we have all the time in the world."

She nodded her eyes starting to fill with tears, I kissed each of her eyelids. "You were my first kiss," she admitted in a whisper.

My lips widened into a smile, I chuckled "then that's my biggest achievement in life."

She laughed from deep in her belly, "You cheeky bugger." It was such a British thing to say my own laughter spilled out of me.

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