Chapter 54

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It was Christmas Day and throughout the week Archer and I had decorated the house further, we'd made hot chocolate and baked cookies. He had made amends with Connor who was back to living in the flat, and we included him on those activities. He was surprisingly nice now and occasionally even funny.

One weekend we went back to the ice rink with Connor and Kimberly, I decided that I had improved slightly from my first time because I didn't fall as much. I could tell that Connor and Archer had a bond like brothers. And once you got to know him he wasn't so bad. The scars on my face had thankfully cleared and the thin line of scars was easily covered with make up.

Archer woke me up five minutes ago saying it was time to open up the gifts. He spent a day with Connor a few days ago, and I took the opportunity to add some finishing touches and stash my gift in Kimberly's room.

I didn't place my gift to Archer under the tree as it would be a dead giveaway to what it was. I did however get something small for Connor. When I walked downstairs carrying my gift, the amount of gifts surrounding the tree had somehow tripled during the night. Some were placed around the because they couldn't all fit. Archer and Connor were sat at the sofa waiting for me.

"Let's get this party started,"Connor said rubbing his hands together.

He reached for the gifts with his name, "I wasn't aware there were this many people in this house," I joked.

Connor completely consumed with the task of opening his gift from Archer ignored everything around him. The first one was a ps5 and he got really exited about it, jumping up and down like a child.
"Dude, I've been wanting this forever!"

I had gotten him a zombie game and he almost started crying. I guess he was passionate about killing things.

After that I quickly gave Archer his first gift, it was a collection of all Oscar Wildes poems, he instantly smiled when he opened it and riffled through the pages.

"All of his poems collected in one place, how'd you do that?"

In truth it was hard task, I'd purchased several smaller collections and had to research the best materials for bookbinding. And then I spent about a week for the final result.

"It's a secret," I replied with an amused lilt to my voice.

I stood to give him the bigger present, "Here," he opened the wrapping and revealed the oversized canvas, I had painted him. From our first visit in the caves the angle from the pool capturing him and the stalactites backdrop. He wore a small little lopsided smile, and his eyes reflected the dark teal color of the pool. His feet resting beneath the waters surface as he leaned back on his arms.

He looked as beautiful as he did that day, so painfully stunning that the sight of him had been ingrained in my memory. It was probably my best work to date, I'd tried my hardest to capture every detail I could remember. And I think I did a pretty good job. I just hoped he liked it.

"Wow," Connor said taking it in over Archer's shoulder "I didn't know you were an reincarnation of Da Vinci, Layla."

Heat crept up cheeks. "Thank you."

Archer was still silent staring at the painting, after a moment he opened his mouth. "Layla... this, this is amazing. I-I can't even begin to describe how remarkable this is." When he looked at me his eyes shone with awe.

I smiled at him, "it took me a while but it was worth it."

"How long did it take?" Connor asked.

I shrugged, "about two months."

He whistled, "well, damn." When Archer still hadn't said anything else. Connor urged him to open his other gifts. And Archer did, however he kept the painting close to him. Connor got him some expensive cologne, two tickets to a basketball game. And a hat from an American sports team they liked.

Then it was my turn I hadn't picked up my presents from under the tree yet. But I was sitting on the rug covered floor close by so, I only had to reach my hand out. I took the first one which was from Connor, he got me a gold bracelet with a half moon.

"I figured since your name means 'night' it was only fitting." It was strangely sweet that he'd taken the time to figure out what my name meant.

I got up and hugged him, "Thank you. I really appreciate it." I went back to my spot on the floor and grabbed Archers gift to me. I peeled the wrapping away to reveal a star projector, so I could look at the stars, the stalactites I liked so much imitated any time I wanted.

"You can put it on when you have a bath, that way it'll be more similar to cave." Archer said after clearing his throat awkwardly. I guess we both associated each other with the cave.

I laughed "Thank you, Archer" I got up on my knees and kissed his cheek.

His cheeks bloomed with color, "Open another one."

"Another one? You spoil me Archer." I tutted.

"They're all for you, 23. For all the Christmas's that you missed." He said softly.

"Archer..." I didn't know what to say, he was so considerate. "You didn't have too," I didn't need all of these gifts, I only needed him. He was better than any material things you could purchase.

"Well I guess that's my cue to make myself scarce," Connor quickly excused himself, neither of us paying any attention to him. I was locked in Archers transfixed gaze. The rest of the world a blur in my periphery. I loved him. From the deepest parts of me, I felt it in my bones, in my soul. I loved him. With a surety that I had never felt about anything.

He nodded, never removing his eyes from me, "open them."

I did as he said, my tears already dropping like waterfalls with my my new found revelation. He got me new pens and canvases, watercolors and notebooks. A disposable camera, a cookbook for baking, because I preferred that over cooking. He even got me new hair products for curly hair, all of them with natural ingredients. Each gift was in some way things he had seen me express a liking too.

The last gift was a paper scroll he had in his lap, and by then I was already a mess, my face wet from the salty tears. He handed it to me and I unrolled it with unsteady hands to reveal a certificate of a star he had purchased.

A star.

He had bought me a star in the sky and named it after me. I covered my mouth to contain the ugly sob begging to be released.

"I hope those are happy tears," Archer said hesitantly his voice revealing his nerves.

I sniffled so I wouldn't slobber all over the paper, "A-Archer."

"The star was supposed be visible tonight but I don't think the weather will allow it." Was his only reply, as he looked out the window to the gathering clouds, as if what he'd done wasn't something extraordinary.

"Archer," I couldn't stop saying his name, my mind was completely blank, except for those six letters, those two syllables. "Archer," I said again but stronger this time, as if that could explain what I was feeling.

He got up and helped me off the floor, where I was surrounded by wrapping papers and gifts. "I fear you've gone into shock." He chuckled amused.

I was still holding the scroll of purchase tightly in one hand, I placed my other on his shoulder to steady myself.

"I-I don't know what to say," I shook my head frantically as if that could help convey my feelings.

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