Chapter 45

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"Do you want to dance?" I asked after a while of building up the nerve.

Layla looked at me like I had 3 heads, "You know how to dance?" She asked incredulously her eyebrow raised.

I chuckled, "I didn't say it was good dancing."

She threw her head back and laughed, her long elegant throat on show. She stood up grabbing my hand still laughing. "Show me what you got then." And led me to the grinding bodies on the dance floor.

Connor had disappeared somewhere a while ago, and we had spent some time drinking and guessing who the guys on the dance floor were trying to hit on, and if they were going to succeed. They, in their drunken minds confidently prowled across the room to their target. But in reality they where unsteadily shoving their way through dancing people and making a mess out of things.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs at the closed off section I took over and led Layla to a spot with a little more room to dance, her body close behind mine.

When the song changed to Feel so close by Calvin Harris the whole energy in the room shifted, Layla smiled at me, her laughter lost to the loud music.

We started dancing slowly our bodies moving to the beat, her arms around my neck and mine against her waist as she moved her hips with expertise. When the beat got faster everyone started jumping and we joined in, Layla threw her head back again and I could see that she felt the music in her soul.

She looked truly divine, like a Forrest nymph in her green dress her beautiful hair out and free, the eyes that I loved so much sultry in her dark makeup. She truly looked exquisite, and I wasn't the only one that thought so, several pairs of eyes were glued to her the whole night and she hadn't even noticed.

We danced for a while, I wasn't that good but I didn't care. But she was a master in moving along with the song, she made it look easy like her body just knew what to do without direction. She moved as fluid as water and with her hair and dress following every movement it added to my theory that she might truly be a Forrest nymph.

When we went back to the table for a drink, Connor was there with two girls. They took up the space we had previously occupied but I didn't mind, I pulled a chair closer to the seat Layla took. Connor introduced us to his new friends, June and Poppy. We politely said hello, but it was hard having a conversation across a table in a loud club so we refrained.

Connor ordered us more drinks and a coke for me,  Layla chugged hers, and spoke loudly in my ear probably thinking that she was whispering.

"Archer, I think I'm drunk." She laughed, "it's actually quite fun."

I shook my head and chuckled at her drunken giggles, "Maybe you should slow down?"

She shook her head, "why would I?"

I raised me hands in surrender, "don't tell me I didn't say anything when your hangover kicks in tomorrow."

"I have to go to the bathroom," thankfully there was a separate bathroom in this section which was less populated.

"I'll go with you." I knew that bathrooms especially unisex ones in a club with alcohol and probably other substances, that people consumed wasn't the best idea.

Drunk people weren't the most observant, and a man just needs one second to shove an unsuspecting drunk girl back in the toilet booth she had just exited from, cover her mouth and do what he wanted to her. I wasn't going to take that risk with Layla.

After she was done using the bathroom we danced a little longer, at that point it was getting late and it was time to go home. We found Connor by the table, several new people now surrounding him, he was collecting them like gem stones.

I nodded at him, indicating that I wanted to talk. "It's time to go,"

"Dude it's still early." He said incredulously.

"It's 2:30 am,  you can stay if you want and get a cab home." I said giving him options.

"Nah I'll go." By then Connor was saying goodbye to his new friends. Layla was hanging on to my arm practically half asleep I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Come on," I started heading for the exit,

"Archer, I don't feel so good." She slurred.

"I know baby, you'll feel better when you get some fresh air okay." I had already encouraged her to drink water and she was still holding the half empty bottle, I took it from her hands.

When we got outside Layla breathed in deeply and I rubbed her back leading her to the car to wait for Connor. I sat her down in the passenger seat, her legs hanging out as I occupied the space between her knees and her head leaned forward to settle against my chest, I moved some of her hair out off her face.

"Archer said that I would feel better, but I don't." I don't know why she was talking about me in third person.

I chuckled, "Do you want to get something to eat some fries might help?" I asked.

And her reply was a nod against my chest, thankfully Connor came out along with the two girls he'd been with first. They all got in the backseat, and I placed Laylas legs in the car and put on her seatbelt and started the car.

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