Chapter 30

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By the time dinner was done we dug in, we were sitting in front of the TV because Layla wanted to watch game of thrones, I hadn't heard of that show yet but it seemed interesting enough.

When we had eaten she took it upon herself to carry our dishes to the kitchen and wash them, I was so full I felt sick. Layla had only had a small piece, I suspected she still wasn't feeling well, her hand sometimes covering her stomach.

I really wanted to take her somewhere the next time we hung out, I felt like we spent too much time at my apartment and there was plenty to see and experience together, "Do you want to go out?" I casually asked.

"Go where?" Layla replied her eyes still glued to the screen, her head was laying on the other side of the couch, her knees bent. I grabbed her feet putting them in my lap, I loved the feel of her and I always felt the need to touch her in some way. She finally turned to me.

"I read about an art section at the Fitzwilliam museum, I think you would like it." I started absentmindedly massaging her socked feet.

She perked up "they have an art section?"

"Yeah, it's apparently new I think they have some nice exhibitions." I shrugged.

"I mean yeah, if you want." She mimicked me shrugging as I had, her show forgotten. "It's still early, do you want to go now or...?"

"No let's go tomorrow, you're still in pain and I would rather go earlier so we have the whole day if we need it. You don't have class do you?" I asked.

"I don't." Her voice sounded small and when I turned to face her, she was laying on her back her whole focus on me. My stomach flipped and I swallowed, having all her attention on me made me suddenly nervous. I originally wanted to ask her on a date but I chickened out.

"Good," I nodded turning back to the TV.

I could feel her studying the side of my face when she sat up her feet now tucked under my thighs and her knees bent towards her chest. She leaned forward leaning her head against my shoulder, one arm snaking behind me and the other in front to hug me loosely across the stomach. I reacted swiftly my arm now at her back tucking her into me, I really couldn't help myself so I kissed her forehead.

We watched a few episodes like this before Layla asked me to pause the show, I did so and she disappeared upstairs I assumed to go to the bathroom. I had one downstairs but for some reason everyone preferred those upstairs.

I checked my phone in the meantime, my best friend Connor from back home had texted me. We were currently discussing when he could come and visit.

Growing up with Connor had been interesting, we were neighbors and our parents were friends, our mothers especially since they were pregnant at the same time and when we were born with just a few days between us they grew closer.

We did everything together, we started school together, we graduated together, celebrated our birthdays together and often got into trouble together, we where inseparable in every way. He was like the brother I never had and I was glad for that Connor was usually the one getting us into trouble and I was the one trying to get us out of it. When leaving Houston I think the most upsetting part was leaving him behind.

He was going to check if he could come here during Christmas it was a few months away, and I wanted Layla to meet him. Speaking of her she returned from upstairs with the bag of chocolates I had gotten her. She sat back down her legs tucked under her. I put my phone back down, "do you like them?" I asked referring to the chocolates.

"I like anything sweet, but especially chocolate." She opened the bag and passed it to me, I grabbed a handful and ate it in one bite.

"I have a notorious chocolate tooth, don't give me anymore or I'll eat the whole thing." I chuckled. "Do you want to spend the night?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"I should probably go back to my flat I feel like I've been here a lot, I don't want you to feel as if I've taken over your place." She replied.

"You haven't, I want you here." I sighed, "You can spend the night and then tomorrow after the museum I can take you home if you still want. Don't think I'm trying to keep you captive here." I joked off.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Yeah? Now come here," I reached for her so that she was leaning against me, I tickled her under her arm, surprisingly she didn't even react.

She laughed at my expense, "I'm not even ticklish,"

"You have to be ticklish somewhere, everyone is." I tried her sides and then her the back of her knees now that her legs were extended on the couch. She still didn't give an outwardly reaction.

"I'm not, but I bet you are." This time she reached for me, her fingers tickling under my arms.

I laughed deeply from my stomach "stop that," I grabbed both her hands holding them against her chest with one hand, "I'm betting it's your feet that are sensitive" I pulled of one sock,

I had barely touched them and she started struggling, "stop," I started tickling under her feet and she squealed so loudly my ears started hurting.

"Archer seriously" she was laughing in earnest now it was like a balm to my soul. After a few moments I released her arms deciding to end her torture.

"Fine, and I knew you were lying" I laughed, "I don't think anyone is not ticklish."

By the time she had calmed down "hey, you can't just overpower me with brute force," her upper body was laying flat across my lap now her eyes glittering up at me, I wanted to lean down and kiss her whole face leaving no part untouched and neglected.

While I was busy staring at her she had somehow snuck her fingers under my arms, and I let her have her revenge.

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