Chapter 57

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Our tongues clashed in a passion that rivaled history's most famous and revered of lovers. The taste of her in mouth made me feel wild. I wanted to always taste her. To always have her soft plump lips against mine. She pushed my coat off and I did the same to hers, then I wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer. Her fingers tangled in my hair when we ran out of breath we parted.

She looked up at the fireworks, "did you time this?" She asked a brilliant grin taking over her features her eyes glittering with the reflection of the explosions in the sky.

"Yes." I replied honestly.

She stopped looking at the sky and faced me, "Archer, thank you. I couldn't have asked for more. I couldn't even have conjured this up in my wildest dreams."

My cheeks heated with color but instead of answering, I kissed her again. I couldn't get enough. This was four months of build up, I wanted to catch up on all the other times I wanted so badly to kiss her but couldn't. She matched my enthusiasm in earnest.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have her return my feelings, she was everything I had ever dreamed of and more. I sucked her plump bottom lip into my mouth and she moaned. The sounds she made almost unraveling my control. She pulled back just as the fireworks ended.

"We can take our time there's no rush." I said my voice dripping in desire, I cleared my throat.

She gave me a shy smile, her lips wet and rosy, and nodded. "Come let's eat before it gets cold."

"We literally just ate at the party. How are you still hungry." She laughed as I pulled her along.

"I'm a big boy." I replied rubbing my stomach. I should probably get back in the gym soon.

We sat to eat the food I'd requested a few days ago. Layla only trying a few bites of everything before claiming to be too full. I ate the rest of her plate. There was an outside hot tub in another area that I'd booked for us so that she could be in a body of water and look up at the stars without anything obscuring her vision of them.

"There's a hot tub outside, that's why I told you to bring a swimsuit."

Her eyes widened, "really?" She asked exited, and then she looked down into her lap her excitement falling off her face for a second.

I pushed her chin up with my finger, "hey, don't worry it'll just be us." I nodded in assurance.

She swallowed hard, "okay," she replied after a while. But the smile on her face was much more tamer this time around.

We put on our bathing suits and the thick robe that accompanied the room. I carried our towels in one hand. I had asked them to bring us some hot chocolate, and they were sat waiting for us. The steam rising off the two cups in tandem. I took off my robe waiting for Layla to do the same but she hesitated.

"Do you want me to turn around?" I asked, maybe she'd be more comfortable as I had done in the cave.

"Yes," she said softly, I could detect a hint of relief in her voice, I did as she asked.

And then I heard her enter the bubbling hot tub. "You can turn around now."

I did instantly heading for her. She was like a beacon. Or like a fire, and as much as I hated to admit it, I was the moth. Willing to get burned just so I could feel her light for a moment.

When I entered and sat down next to her, she was already looking up. The steam coming off the pool creating a dream like picture of her beauty. If I was a painter I would've liked to capture her in this moment. Unreserved and beautiful.

"When we get back do you want to move in with me?" I asked the question that had been on my mind since I'd seen her moldy apartment. She spent most of her time at mine anyways, and I wanted to hear her heartbeat every night when I fell asleep and for my pillows to carry her scent.

Her head snapped towards me, her lips parted in shock. "Isn't it a little too soon for that?" She asked uncertain.

I shrugged, "It might be too soon for some, but I don't care. You're barely there anyways, and I would like nothing more to spend the rest of my days with you."

"I guess you're right, it's just. It's the first home I had." She replied after a few moments, "I know it's not much, but it was mine." 

"Come here," I pulled her into my lap, her wet skin against mine almost enough to redirect my attention. Almost. Once she was situated comfortably, with her arms around my neck and her thighs straddling me.

"If you want we could keep it, you could turn it into your studio or something. That way you won't have to be breathing in the mold all the time and still get to keep it." I said brushing a strand of hair from her face.

Her cheeks heated, "you noticed that, huh?" She smiled, "I guess we could do that."

"Good, and we could turn the guest room into yours, whatever you want my love."

"No, I want to stay with you." She uttered softly.

I smiled and kissed her again in reply.

"When should we move my things?" She asked,

"Maybe the day after tomorrow? We still have a few days left before classes start, and we could ask Connor for help." I replied, rubbing the back of her thighs under the water.

She nodded, and looked down at my lips before leaning in. I met her halfway, hoping this kiss might convey my feelings for her.

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