Chapter : 15 : The First Kingdom And Sebastian's Title

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Sebastian taught Hayden a lot of the basics and these are common sense familiar to modern people. But in this primitive tribe, it is unheard of. Endure the humiliation, this is the first lesson taught by Sebastian. Expand the population and train the army, this is the second lesson.

"The army? What is this?" Asked inexplicably.

"How did your tribe defeat that Saber-Toothed Tiger a few days ago, teamwork is the way," Sebastian answered briefly.

Hayden nodded thoughtfully. He is diligent and studious, for the teachings from Sebastian, he always listens and rarely asks questions, he thinks about it afterward.

Time passes day by day, in the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed since the alliance between the two tribes. Hayden has grown from a young teenager to a mature middle-aged man. After teaching in previous years, Sebastian stopped. He leaves Hayden alone in practice.

"Warriors, we have endured humiliation for twenty years, and the time for revenge has come." In the central square of the deserted tribe, Hayden stood on the high platform.

All the warriors of the tribe are being assembled and are getting ready to attack the Tyrum tribe. For the past twenty years, the Terra tribes have always been subservient to the Tyrum tribes. For Terra's tribute, they pay a lot of supplies and women, only in exchange for these twenty years of peace.

And in these twenty years, Hayden has been following Sebastian's teachings. Fertility is encouraged. Cultivate wild wheat, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other plants into crops. Domesticate wild boars, wild horses, bison, and wolves. Develop more advanced agricultural tools. Secretly train soldiers and craft weapons. Improve text and language.

After twenty years of development, the population of the Terra tribes has already surpassed the Tyrum tribe, and other aspects are also surpassed one by one. The day of revenge has arrived.

"Hayden, Hayden-!" The soldiers below were shouting the name Hayden.

After twenty years of rule, Hayden's prestige is unprecedentedly high. The war between the two tribes broke out again after 20 years. Only this time, the tide of battle was completely turned upside down. Although the number of fighters on both sides is equal, about 2000 people, the Terra tribe is a real army.

The Tyrum tribes still use the traditional hunting party mode, so they are not an opponent, even Byrum, known as the first warrior, at this point, was already bloated. After twenty years of lavish days, his body has been filled with wine, and his strength has dropped until there is not much left.

There is no suspense in the ending. The Terra tribes defeated the Tyrum tribes without bloodshed. Byrum was tied up by Hayden. Hayden is not soft-hearted, so he immediately executed and took over the rest of the Tyrum tribe. So far, on the planet, there is only one tribe left. He has completed the unification and is walking to the throne under everyone's gaze.

A small kingdom named the Imperium was born and people started to build cities. After building it, Hayden personally named it Terra and these are mostly Sebastian's influence. But all these years of exhaustion, added to the poor medical conditions of this era, led Hayden close to the end. For the remaining time, Hayden continues to work on the improvement of productivity and the improvement of various systems.

Before dying, he kept shouting the words "God Emperor". God Emperor is Hayden's honorific name for Sebastian. Sebastian appeared and manipulated the air. In front of the hospital bed, there was a wave of fluctuations.

"Emperor." He cried with joy.

Excited, he suddenly sat up from the sickbed and tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"God Emperor, what you taught me, I have done." He said excitedly.

"I saw it all, you did a great job." Seeing Sebastian's response, Hayden smiled.

"What else do you wish for?" Sebastian asked.

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