The Verdict - 1

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"Oh, how troublesome. And to think I ALLOWED this meeting to happen," Sera sighed heavily, pressing her face into her palms. (Y/N) frowned. You had recalled the private meeting with Adam where Sera had agreed to his unlawful idea to start poaching sinners to keep hell from overpowering heaven.

"It's not your fault, Sera...this was a heavy burden to bear. Maybe it's better that Emily knows-"

She cut you off, "In no way is this better than the way it was before, (Y/N). Emily is still young and impressionable...she doesn't understand why I made this decision. I knew she wouldn't, but that is precisely why I didn't tell her!" She reasoned.

You opened your mouth to respond, just to be cut short by Adam.

"Pfft, please. Emily is the least of your worries right now, babe. That little bitch Charmander-"

"Charlie," Lute interjected.

"Whatever! She's probably going right now to cry to her daddy and give us another pain in our asses...and not even the good kind," Adam sipped his drink obnoxiously and Sera cringed.

"I can handle Lucifer...after all, we do have Lillith on our side. But something about that daughter of his makes me question whether or not we should continue handling hell's population in such a disgraceful manner-"

"Uh, sorry to interrupt or whatever, but I think how we do things is just fine. Don't let that lanky lesbian manipulate you like that." Adam tossed his empty cup over the balcony, and you watched it fall, unamused.

"No, you're right, Sera. There has to be another way. We shouldn't shy away from the possibility that some sinners may not have been judged correctly. They're still people...and we know better than anyone that people can change,"

Adam audibly groaned, Lute also possessing a look of annoyance.

Sera closed her eyes, her hands folded tightly in her lap.

"I think we need to refresh our mediators. We all saw how Charlie's friends were able to prove themselves worthy even without the knowledge they were being watched. Sure, they could cut back on the crack and intercourse, but they're good people at heart. Whoever has been judging what souls go to heaven and who gets damned to hell might need a refresher on what exactly makes a good or bad soul-"

"Tsk, do you hear this bitch, Lute?" Adam scoffed.

"Yes, sir." Lute smirked.

"What a load of bullshit! The mediators need to be refreshed?! These guys have been judging souls since before you were even thought of. What makes you think you can just-"

"She's not wrong, Adam. Even divine beings make mistakes." Sera tapped her nails on the balcony's surface, looking into the empty courtroom for answers.

"I don't know about you guys, but I definitely don't. I'm perfect. But, whatever! I'll just keep doing me and have fun doubting yourself and spiraling into an unnecessary depression over souls that don't deserve redemption," Adam sang, Lute close in tow. They both left the room, leaving only you and Seraphim. You sat in the seat next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You'll think of something...don't worry. Emily will come around once we fix this," You smiled as she met your gaze, placing her hand atop your own.

"Don't say 'we', (Y/N). This is not your battle, but my own. I'm the one who agreed to the tyranny, I must be the one to put a stop to it."

"But you aren't by yourself. Sure, you agreed to the destruction, but I'm here for you. I'll do anything I can to help. Just say the word and I'll do it,"

Sera looked thoughtful before her eyes lit up with wonder. You were taken aback by this reaction.

"Oh?! Have you thought of a solution?"

"I'm not sure if it will work, but it is worth a shot. (Y/N), do you mean it when you say you'd do anything for me? Anything if it were to be for the greater good?"

"O-of course I would! Would I really be an Ophanim if I declined?" You laughed nervously. As the Ophanim angel, your role was just as important as Sera's. You kept the peace and wore the crown as one of GOD's protectors proudly. You were there when Sera made the decision to exterminate hell's sinners...and you understood both sides. But now, as Sera's mistake unraveled and began to come back to consume her, you couldn't just sit back and watch.

"Go to Hell!" Sera exclaimed happily. The corners of your mouth twitched at her statement.

"Uh...I beg your pardon?"

"Exactly what I said, go to hell! If we send you down disguised as a sinner to investigate and judge yourself whether or not sinners can be saved, that will settle it!"

You didn't know what to make of this.

She wants you to go to hell pretending to be a demon?!

As if almost reading your mind, Sera explained, "We will use your shapeshifting abilities to morph you into something resembling a demon. Just avoid Lucifer, and you'll be fine! It would only be for a while, and I'll stay in contact with you the entire time. I can even send the cherubs with you, and they can be disguised as your um...your servants? Your pets?"

"Wait, wait, wait- Sera I don't know. This is all so much to digest so you really think I'm the one for the job? I personally think someone like Adam or Lute would be a much better fit for extended intimate contact with the damned," You tried to reason.

Sera shook her head, "Absolutely not! They'd recognize Adam or Lute immediately! They're the on the other hand." She smiled. A pit was forming in your stomach, much like the size of hell. You didn't like this idea, nor did you like the thought of being around so many sinners. They made you nervous in fact; they kind of scared you. Sinners are in hell for a reason. Murder...rape...trafficking...awful things that scare humans just as much as they do us.


You looked up from the ground and into Sera's eyes. They were soft and kind, welcoming as they'd always been.

"If you don't want to, that's fine. I can think of another way to resolve just might take some time. And with Adam pushing this next extermination I...I.." Her voice broke, holy water pooling in her tear ducts.

"I'll do it." You agreed. You'd promised her that you would help in any way you could, so why run away now?

"Really? You mean it? Don't force yourself-"

"I'll do anything to keep the peace."

1090 Words

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