LIAR - 6

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As (Y/N), Vaggie, Niffty, and Charlie left to do some shopping, Alastor finally had the opportunity to emerge from the darkness.

He departed from his shadow, appearing directly in front of (C/N)'s bedroom door. Not only did Alastor never leave for 'business purposes', but he was also present the whole time (C/N) was telling her backstory.

There's a reason Alastor always kept a smile, no matter how he was feeling on the inside. The smile he wore was meant to deceive. It was a coverup, a lie.

And after masking the truth for so long, Alastor allowed it to consume him.

He had become the lies.

There's only one good thing that comes from lying so much and that's the ability to tell when someone else was doing it.

(C/N) was indeed a liar.

Now, Alastor was good at telling when someone was being untruthful, but he wasn't psychic.

What exactly was (C/N) fibbing about? He had no idea. But he knew it had something to do with the reason she was here.

Alastor approached the sinner's door, commanding his shadow to open it silently. His shadow did as it was told, but quickly retreated before completing the task.

"What now? Something the matter?" He asked his invisible companion. He glared, the corners of his mouth twitching. "Fine, I'll do it myself." He spawned (C/N)'s room key into a gloved hand and lined it up with the keyhole's entrance, waiting. "Oh? What's this?"

Before Alastor could attempt to unlock the girl's door, he felt it. A massive shield of energy was preventing him from going any further. His eyes widened as he examined the magic carefully. "Ha! Clever girl." He dropped the key, realizing it was useless. "Looks like we're one step," He pressed him lips together firmly, forming a closed-mouth smile. "Come, now. We must find another way."


After a long day of shopping with the girls of the hotel, you were exhausted. You'd gotten some clothes along with decor for your new room. You even saw something that made you think of Angel while you were out. So, naturally you bought it. You walked up the stairs with your arms full of bags.

"You got it, (C/N)?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, I got it. Thank you!" You replied. You walked up to your door and set them down, huffing as you searched for your room key. You dug in all of your pockets frantically. "What the...I could've sworn I..." You looked down and there it was. "Whoops, must've dropped it." You picked it up from the ground and opened your door. Bringing everything inside, you searched the bags for the present you had gotten Angel.

You weren't sure why you felt the need to be so nice to him, you just did. I mean, you already felt bad about lying about being related, not that he believed you or anything.

You held it up once you found it and smiled, tucking it under your arm.

You knocked on his door lightly and he shouted, "Come in,"

Once the door was open, he groaned at the sight of you, "Not you. What do you want?" He asked harshly. You said nothing and placed the stuffed pig on his bed. He pulled his toothbrush from his mouth and blinked. "What the hell is that?"

"A pig." You responded.

"No shit it's a pig I mean why are you giving it to me?"

"Because I saw it and thought of you," You reasoned.

"Why? What makes you think I like pigs, huh?"

As if on cue, fat nuggets popped up from inside of Angel's satin sheets.

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now