Medical Attention - 11

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Your alarm clock popped into existence with a 'poof', it solely existing through your magic. You groaned and turned over in your bed, shooting a beam of light through the obnoxious trinket.

You'd made sure to set the alarm early enough so that you had a better chance at avoiding Alastor.

Yawning and sitting up, you stretched your muscles and your wings.

Surprisingly, your room looked darker than usual.

"That's odd..." Throwing your legs over the side of your bed, you walked to the window groggily. Once you pulled back the curtains, you took note of the scary-looking overcast that consumed the sky. "Great, just great. The day I decide to travel is the day hell has its first rainstorm."

You hid your natural form and used your powers to pack a bag while you did your morning routine.

Once finished, you descended the stairs quickly.

"Oh, good morning (Y/N)," Charlie yawned and waved you over to where she and Vaggie were talking. "Coffee?" She offered.

"I'm good, thanks. I actually have to leave right now-"

Charlie choked on her coffee, looking at you with sorrowful eyes.

"TEMPORARILY! Don't worry! It's just for work, I promise I'll be back." You assured her quickly, caressing her arm as you sat at the table with them.

"You're going on a work trip? Where to?" Vaggie asked.

"A-and how long will you be gone? And will there be anyone going with you? Do you even have my phone number?! (Y/N), this is so last minute!" Charlie grabbed fistfuls of her bedhead and began panicking for you.

"Just around the Pentagram, and not long! I just need to visit some neighboring cities and I'll be back before you know it."

Charlie sniffled and face planted into Vaggie's chest, sulking.

You furrowed your eyebrows at her sad form and Vaggie gave you a pitiful look.

"Maybe you should go before Charlie changes her mind and traps you in the basement." She joked.

You nodded and grabbed your things as you stood, heading for the door. You stopped once you felt a pair of arms wrap around your body securely.

Charlie hugged you and handed you a piece of napkin with her phone number on it.

"Please come back safe. Call me if you need anything," She gave you a wobbly smile and you took it from her graciously, shoving it in your pocket along with Alastor's garter.

"Yeah. Just in case I need those pickles," You pointed at her, and her smile grew wider.

"What? What pickles? Charlie, you told her about the pickles?!" Vaggie groaned and Charlie waved to you.

"Better go before she traps both of us in the basement," She laughed. You returned her wave and shut the door behind yourself quietly.


You sat on one of Hell's few transportation systems, the train currently on its way to the ring known as 'Lust'.

You'd figured this ring would be the most difficult to find redemption in, hence why you wanted to go there first and get it over with.

(Drawing/writing/reading) in your journal, the overcast was starting to make it quite difficult to stay awake. You still had about three hours until you officially arrived, so why not take a nap? You folded up your journal and rested your head on the table, slowly succumbing to sleep.

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