The Initiation - 3

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You jumped, turning to meet whoever caught you in the act.

He was least two feet taller than you. His teeth were sharp and shiny, but only one was encased in gold. He wore a long, red coat that matched his hat perfectly. His heart-shaped shades reflected your shocked expression in them, making you quickly compose yourself.

"Oh! Um...hello," You greeted him with a smile. He bent down to meet your eyes, tilting his head at the sight.

"My, my, what do we have here? Hmmm..." He took your chin between his thumb and index finger and examined you thoroughly. He took a long drag from his elongated cigarette and exhaled as he released you.

"I'm sorry to intrude, sir, but I'm actually looking for someone-"

"Yes, I know exactly who you're looking for," His smile broadened, and he started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Oh, okay," You hesitated before following him into a room labeled 'studio'.

He said nothing as he held the door open for you.

You walked inside, eyes widening at the sight. It was Angel alright. Angel and...three others participating in what looked like...intercourse? You tilted your head as you watched them, unable to determine if that is what they were doing. You felt a large hand press against your back, pushing you gently.

"Let's talk in my office, yes?" You followed the purple demon into another room that was much larger than the last.

In the middle was a desk and four lavish loveseats. A rug stretched from both ends of the suite, outlining how expansive the space really was.

He sat in the throne behind the desk, outstretching a hand as if saying, 'sit'.

You chose one of the seats and waited for him to speak.

It seems he was thinking the same, you both sitting in silence for a while.

"So," He caved "you came to the right place." He propped his feet up onto the table and eyed you hungrily. Your stomach churned.

"Yes, I believe so. So, there any way I can speak to him once he is finished...working preferably?" You laughed awkwardly and the demon's smile faded.

"What?" He asked bluntly. He took another drag, and you folded your hands in your lap.

"Angel. I was hoping I could speak with Angel Dust about-"

"Uh oh, this isn't one of those things where he fucked you once and now, you're obsessed with him, is it? Because if that's the case, I might have to ask you to leave."

"What?! No! That's not it at all," You defended, waving your hands in front of you.

"It's not?'re a super fan and want to get in on the action?" He looked you up and down, sizing you up. "A bit too small to dominate, but I'm sure they're some weirdos that are into that. Just sign this and-"

"No, I-i'm not here to have intercourse with anyone," You explained as he placed a pile of papers in front of you.

"No? Then what the fuck are you doing here? Can you just explain yourself already and stop wasting my time?" His smile remained; eye twitching spastically.

The door opened, catching the attention of both of you.

"I'm going..." Angel yawned, tying a pink robe around his midriff. "To take a break, Val. Let me know when you want to start the next one, 'kay?"

You made eye contact with Angel Dust, standing up immediately.

"Hey!" You walked over to him, and he watched you intently.

"...who's the kid, Val?" He asked, hugging himself.

Valentino glared, approaching the two of you steadily, "I was hoping you could tell me the answer to that. She said she wants to talk to you. At first, I assumed she wanted work, but apparently, she's too good for you," He shrugged. Angel looked down at you once more before shaking his head.

"Never seen her before in my life," He admitted.

"No? Weird, maybe she's a stalker." Valentino suggested as if you weren't literally standing directly next to him.

"What? I'm not stalking you, I'm here because I...I um..."

Shit, I followed him in here without even having a reason to?! At this rate, I'll be caught right away!

Your palms started to sweat as you thought, the two other demons in the room staring at you, confused.

"Okay, toots. You've got about thirty seconds to convince me why I shouldn't call over security and-"

"No! No, please, no. I'm sorry I just...this is a lot harder to explain than I thought it would be," You reasoned. Valentino shifted his weight onto one hip, shaking his index finger at you.

"Oh, I see what's going on here. Angel, baby, why didn't you tell me you had a hermana?" He bent down and nodded as he compared the two of you.

"Huh? I don't have any relatives, Val. You know that."

"WAIT! Yes! Yes, that's it!" You shouted, alarming them both with your sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry, what?" Angel deadpanned.

"I couldn't figure out how to tell you without sounding crazy. I know you don't know me, Angel...But I know you," you said softly.

"Okay, now you're really starting to freak me out. SECURITY-"

"Anthony, wait!"

Angel Dust froze, the look in his eyes nothing short of terrified.

"How..did you...?" He hugged himself tighter. Valentino's eyes widened and he waved a hand at security to stop them from entering.

"Ohhh, this just got interesting,"

You're so glad you'd seen Angel's soul agreement on Valentino's desk when he was shuffling through his papers. It had Angel's real name...Anthony. You assumed it was his because you remember hearing about him signing his soul away to his boss while you were observing them previously.

"Look, kid, I'm sorry. You must have the wrong sinner because..." He looked at the floor, his stare distant.

"No. I don't. Please, Anthony-"

"Don't fucking call me that!" He yelled, getting closer to your figure. You flinched. "You don't fucking know me, and if you EVER call me that again..." He turned his back to you and left the room before you could say another word.

"Wooow, bravo chiquita. You really screwed that one up for yourself," Val chuckled evilly and returned to his desk.

Shit, what now?

1100 Words

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