If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em - 8

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That night you hardly slept. Your brain would not let up on convincing you that you were being watched.

"Ugghhh!" You groaned in frustration. You sat up and turned on the lamp on your bedside table. You stared into the dark corners of your room and squinted.

There was no visual sign of Alastor but even that wasn't enough to convince you he wasn't secretly watching.

Surely, he has better things to do...right?

You massaged your temples and got out of bed, leaving your room. The wooden steps of the hotel creaked under your weight, the slick hardwood cool beneath your feet.

You almost felt the need to tiptoe upon the realization that everyone was asleep.

Your fingers brushed against the wall as you walked, sitting at the empty bar.

You folded your hands together and began counting the bottles that lined the back wall.

"Can't sleep?"

You looked back at Angel Dust and smiled softly, "Yeah...having trouble settling in, I guess."

I wish that was the only thing keeping me awake...

"I can see that." He replied sarcastically. You propped your head on your palm, watching him round the bar and grab a pink bottle. "You drink?"

You shrugged, "Depends. I could use one after tonight, though."

Angel grinned and poured you a glass, sliding it down the counter.

"Wow, you do this often?" You held the glass up to your nose, inhaling its sweet aroma.

You wondered if the alcohol in hell was any different from what you drank in heaven.

"Every other night or so, just when I can't sleep." He poured himself some of the same drink and sat next to you. You took a swig of the liquid and coughed soon after.

Angel chuckled at your reaction, sipping his drink.

"I've never had something like this before, what is it?" You asked.

"Something of my own concoction. I call it, 'The Hazbin Hangover'." He pitched it to you, and you pretended to think.

"Yeah...that name sucks. So does your drink. But hand me the bottle just so I can double check..." You teased. Angel scoffed, pressing a hand to his chest.

"Ouch, spider tits. No need to come for my throat. First you lie to me and now you insult me?" He reminded. You poured yourself another cup before handing the bottle back to him.

"About that...I'm sorry. That was really stupid of me, and I should've just talked to you normally."

He shoved you playfully, "You got that right. What fuckin' weirdo claims to be my dead family-"

"I know, I know. Please, spare me. It was awful...really really awful," You took another sip and started to laugh. He laughed with you and tapped his nails on his glass.

"Y'know, aside from...being an absolute weirdo, I can see why Charlie likes you."

"Really?" You pressed.

"Yeah, don't make me say it again. I hate repeating myself,"

"Well, what if I didn't hear you?"

"Then I guess you'll live the rest of your dead life never knowing what I said. Now that's something to keep you up at night," He raised his glass to you and chugged the rest expertly.

You clinked your glass with his and finished your beverage, reaching for the bottle again. Angel grabbed your wrist, "Careful, dollface. This shit will fuck you up. Unless you want to end up naked on the rooftop, I suggest you slow down." He suggested. You withdrew your arm and walked around the bar to wash your glass.

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now