Party Animals - 19

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Alastor hummed with his hands clasped behind his back, steadily stalking down the hall. His eyes opened as he raised a singular fist to knock on the large double doors that separated him from his target.

"Who is it?" They sang.

But Alastor didn't bother responding.

He pushed open the doors with a swipe of his sorcery, Lucifer meeting his eyes with a frown.

"Oh, it's you. Wait, how the fuck did you even get in here? I thought I told them to guard the front door!" Lucifer asked. Alastor's lips parted as he smiled, revealing his sharp teeth.

Lucifer cringed at his theatrics and looked taken aback as he watched Alastor morph into a being that looks just like himself.

"As far as I recall you told all of your security and help to go home for the night as you weren't expecting any visitors," He tapped the brim of his new hat, Lucifer burying his hands in his disheveled hair.

"The fuck is this?! are you doing that?"

Alastor blinked and Lucifer sighed, unable to stand being in the same vicinity as him for long periods of time.

"Okay, cut it out. What are you doing here, Alastor? You only come to find me when you have blackmail or to annoy the shit out of me. Out with it," He rolled his eyes and continued to pack his bag for his sleepover with Charlie.

He held up two ducks in his hand and tossed the losing one aside, deciding to bring the one with a hat.

Alastor let his Lucifer disguise fall, leaning on his mic as he checked his nails.

"No blackmail this time...and no time to play games. I have recently stumbled upon a discovery and thought you might be interested, is all." He said nonchalantly.

Lucifer laughed shortly, "The last time you came to me with a discovery, you'd surprised me by shapeshifting into myself. How can you possibly top that?" He joked.

"Hmm. Alright. If you wish to stay in the dark, fine by me. The more you don't know, the better." He turned on his heels and stepped towards the door, Lucifer groaning obnoxiously.

"Uggghhh! You know it gets on my nerves when you leave me wondering like that! Why do you do that?!" He sighed in defeat, "Just tell me,". He held up two pairs of duck socks and bit his lower lip. This was going to be a hard one.

Alastor stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder at the King of Hell, smiling proudly.

"Heaven has secretly sent one of their own to monitor you and your people..."

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean? Can you like...just tell me straight up what you're trynna say because I have a very important sleepover to attend to-"

"An angel has entered Hell to spy on sinners and has been staying with Ms. Morningstar up until recent."

Lucifer facepalmed and pinched between his eyes, "Al, you don't think I know Vaggie is an angel? It's impossible for angels to not recognize each other. They all have this weird way with speaking and how they act and ugh. Glad I'm not up there anymore, that's for sure-"

"Not her, you small imbecile. There is another," He corrected.

"What do you mean another?"

Alastor happily conjured a sphere of smoke, revealing an image of you in Stolas' manor.

Lucifer's eyebrows twitched and the socks he was holding fell from his palms, "Is that..."

"Does the name (Y/N) ring a bell?" He narrowed his eyes and Lucifer's lingered on you for a moment longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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