Liquid Gold - 12

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You and Alastor exchanged conflicting expressions, one of you clearly more impressed than the other.

After what seemed like hours of confused silence, Alastor spoke.

"What an intriguing turn of events," He chimed. You wrestled your wrist free from his hand and stood abruptly.

"Intriguing isn't quite the word I'd use. Definitely interesting, though." You focused and used your magic to heal your head and hands, his eyes never leaving your form.

"Have you always obtained such white magic?" He inquired, tilting his head slightly. You chewed your cheek, hesitant to tell him anything about what you're capable of.

"I am an angel," You replied indirectly, hoping to smoothly maneuver the conversation into a different one. "Have you always been so hypocritical?"

"Whatever do you mean, dear?" He smirked, sliding his arms into his shirt and buttoning it effortlessly.

"I do believe I remember you saying that I'm the one who lacks proper manners, but I don't recall hearing a thank you?" You challenged his eyes as you plucked his bowtie from the floor and handed it to him generously. He encased your hand in his own, bowing his head with 'respect'.

"My deepest thanks, (Y/N). If there comes a time where I ever need your aid, I'll be sure to-"

"Woahhh, slow your roll there buddy. I did NOT say I'd be your personal blood bag," You laughed in astonishment at this guy's massive ego.

"Who's offering? My dearest angelic companion, I was simply implying if we ever encounter such situations again-"

"This won't happen again." You glared over your shoulder and clenched your fists. "I am here on a mission, do you understand what that means?" You approached him steadily and lifted your chin.

He stayed silent.

"It means I have been entrusted with something very important, Alastor. And I refuse to let my reputation get ruined because of some sloppy overlord who doesn't know how to control his temper,"

His expression remained ecstatic even as you insulted him to his face. Alastor pushed himself up from the bench and clicked his tongue.

"My, I never imagined one of heaven's lap dogs to have such a bite. Oh how you wound me so," he swooned theatrically and reached for your cheek.

You mimicked his previous actions and snatched his wrist swiftly before he could make contact.

"Do I make myself clear? No more putting us at risk and certainly no more using my blood for healing selfish wounds."

"Ha! Selfish, you say? May I remind you I purposefully got shot in regards to protecting you, miss angel. Therefore I do believe my actions were justified and not selfish in the slightest," He maneuvered his gloved hand into your palm, sliding his slender fingers between your own "Had it been a bullet encased in angelic silver..." he left the rest to your imagination, a pit of guilt forming in your stomach.

You opened your mouth to speak, Alastor's other hand on the small of your back taking you by surprise.

A romantic jazzy tune began to play, causing you to look around to see where it was coming from.

Alastor forced you to dance, spinning you gently before dipping you. He pulled you up abruptly, your chests touching from his proximity.

The song suddenly changed, this one slower and less chipper than its previous.

You hardly had to do anything, your bodies in sync as you involuntarily swayed with the smiling overlord.

"Something on your mind?" He pried, you seemingly zoned out.

"Hm? Oh, no. I'm sorry if I was rude just a second ago. I'm just really stressed right now and...I didn't mean to take it out on you. It's not your fault I agreed to survey all of hell and save its occupants before the next annual slaughter fest," you shuddered and frowned.

"Oh, come now. Anyone with a fraction of a brain can see you're struggling. I promise I won't take it to heart, darling," he said nonchalantly.

"Really? Is it that obvious that I'm overwhelmed and feel like I'm going to fuck this up?" You asked rhetorically.

He shook his head, his hair and ears swaying with the motion, "Not necessarily. You've bit off more than any normal being could chew...but you, my dear," he looked down at you "are no normal being." He said lowly.

You flushed and looked away, his touch feeling hot against your already warm skin.

"What's with the encouragement, stag man? A-are you being sarcastic?"

"Not at all! Quite the contrary,"

You fought the smile creeping onto your face, as you refuse to allow yourself to fall into his trap.

He's a demon, (Y/N).

He's cunning, selfish, and most importantly a liar. He can't be trusted.

"Okay...that's enough dancing for one night. Aren't you going to tell me where we are?" You looked back up at him and the music stopped along with his movement.

"Why, certainly. Care for a tour?" He separated from you only to dust off his forearm and offer up his elbow for your holding pleasure.

"Sure. Does this tour involve anything other than what the dictionary defines as a tour or?" You glared at his arm and refused it politely, him shrugging.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see," he started to walk without your confirmation of being ready, already giving you a late start.

The room you were currently in was red.

Red wallpaper, red ceiling tiles, red accents, and even a red comforter on the bed.

It wasn't difficult to imagine Alastor staying here, as it had him written all over it.

He opened the tall dark chestnut door and beckoned you to exit first.

You skeptically stepped outside the threshold, your eyes widening at the sight.

"Wow," was all you could say, Alastor phasing directly beside you. "This place is gorgeous!" You spun around in awe, taking it all in.

It was an old mansion of sorts, the decor and furniture all obviously vintage.

You admired how well everything corresponded with the house's apparent aesthetic. Its old-timey charm seemed to have an effect on you.

Most things in heaven consisted of white and gold while Alastor's palette was anything but.

You smiled. You'd begun to like the color red, more than you ever did before.

"I should really look into adding more red into my own's such a lovely color,"

Little did you know Alastor was thinking the exact opposite; your pure ensemble changing his mind for the first time in centuries.

'Maybe red isn't the most alluring.'

He narrowed his eyes as he watched you intently, "Quite,"

1200 Words

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now