Welcome Home - 4

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You paced outside the entrance, thinking about what to say to Angel next. You'd been waiting for almost three hours, relieved at the sight of an exhausted Angel Dust leaving the premises.

"Hey! Wait up!" You chased after him quickly. You came to a stop once he halted, causing you to smack face-first into his back. "Ow...sorry, are you alright?"

"Gee, I don't know. How would you feel if some crazy bitch showed up at your workplace to try and convince you you're related when you know damn well your whole family is dead?" He looked down at you over his shoulder, frowning. "Just go home, kid,"

He started walking and you decided to follow him silently. He walked...alllll the way back to the hotel. He even opened the door; you slipped inside without him noticing.

"I'm back!" He called out, heading for the sofa. He fell face forward into the couch, and you spun in a circle, taking in your surroundings.

"Angel! Welcome ho-...o...ohhhhh?!" A blonde female demon barreled around the stairwell with a mound of papers in hand. She was about to make a B-line straight to Angel when she laid eyes on you. "Oh, my GOODNESS! Hello there, can I help you?! Oh, please say I can help you." She dropped the papers and approached you frantically. She looked you up and down, baring a toothy smile.

"Hi, I'm [code/name]. This is the Hazbin Hotel, right?" You asked, shaking her hand gently.

"Why, yes! A-are you by chance interested in redemption?! How did you hear about this place- OH! You must've saw our commercial, huh?" She snorted, waving you off. "Who am I kidding, of course you saw the commercial."

"Ha ha...yeah, about that. I actually wanted to-"

"You have GOT to be fucking kiddin' me," Angel said from the couch. He attracted Charlie's attention, making her drop your hand.

"Something wrong, Angel?"

"Oh, something's WRONG alright." He marched over to you, a scowl across his face "You've got some fuckin' nerve followin' me here, bitch-"

"Angel No Middle Name Dust you better stop that!" Charlie thwacked his love handles and he frowned.

"Charlie, you don't even know what she's done. You're just going to up and let her in here to stay with us?" He questioned.

"Uh, yeah, that's kinda the whole point of redemption," She shot back, hooking her arm with your own. "It doesn't matter what you did before you came here, (C/N). Here at the Hazbin Hotel, we don't let our pasts and wrongdoings define us. Think of it as a...retreat of sorts,"

Angel rolled his eyes and returned to the couch, mumbling obscenities under his breath.


Charlie pulled you every which way, showing off the hotel and what it has to offer. She rambled the whole time, making it easy for you to not say much. That is until she showed you to your room.

"Okay, that concludes our tour! I'm sorry our host isn't here to show you around as well, he claimed to have important business to attend to and hasn't been back since," She pondered. You smiled at her softly and shook your head.

"That's alright, you did plenty on your own. Thank you for accepting me at such late hours, I really appreciate it."

Her bottom lip quivered, and she sniffed, "Awwww, (C/N)!" She wrapped her arms around your neck and hugged you earnestly "You're the only resident here that has ever thanked me. Then again, I don't expect a 'thank you' because I should be thanking YOU." She pulled away and looked shocked by your expression "Whoops, sorry. Not a hugger?" She offered.

"No, no, that's not it. I was just thinking about what you said," You replied.

She grabbed both of your hands and held them near her chest, "(C/N), I can't help but get the feeling that you-"

The door behind you opened, cutting Charlie off mid-sentence. You both moved out of the way as her face lit up.

"Alastor, there you are! I thought you were still out and about doing important overlord things," She laughed awkwardly as he stared down at her with wide smile.

"Yes, well, I returned earlier this evening, but you seemed to be a bit preoccupied." His neck craned over to look at you, smile never wavering.

"Oh, Alastor, this is (C/N)! Our newest resident." Charlie introduced you to the radio demon, but little did she know you'd actually already met. You'd recognize his obscene and overindulgent taste for the color red anywhere.

"How do you do?" Alastor spoke, the sound of radio static fighting for dominance in his tone.

You tipped your head slightly, showing him respect.

"Nice to meet you. Alastor, is it?" You looked up at him and he raised a brow at your ability to reciprocate formalities. Something told you he wasn't used to this behavior.

"Yes...charmed," He stared at you a moment longer before returning his attention to Charlie. "Unfortunately, I will be unable to join you in your tour of the hotel, I trust you can accomplish such tasks without my presence?"

"Oh, psh, of course! We were actually just finishing up, anyway. It's no big deal, really." She reassured the radio demon of her capabilities and he turned to walk, satisfied.

"Splendid." He waved and descended into the ground by turning his physical form into a pile of darkness. You grimaced and Charlie turned to you.

"Well, that's pretty much it! Any questions?" She chimed.

You shook your head, "No...but thank you again for allowing me to stay here. I really appreciate it,"

"Aww, don't mention it. It's my duty as princess of hell to help you all feel welcome. I'm just glad you made the choice to be here. You're going to love it. Trust me," She smiled, and you returned the gesture. "Oh, silly me! Almost forgot," She dug around in her coat's pocket and pulled out a (F/C) key. She dangled it in front of you and you enclosed it in your grasp.

"What's this for?" You asked.

"Your room, duh. It's not the one behind you, that's Alastor's, but the one directly beside it." She confirmed. You looked at Alastor's door. It was red, of course, but it had a whole different style compared to your plain oak slab. You pursed your lips seeing as the room on the opposite side was decorated to fit its owner as well. "Don't worry," Charlie placed her hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze "You can decorate it however you'd like."

1200 Words

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now