Unveiled - 7

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30 minutes of walking on foot and you finally arrived at your undisclosed destination.

Yep. This looks like a building 'business' would be done in.

"Alastor, I see thou has brought company," A deep voice vibrated your ears. The same demon you saw Alastor speaking with days ago approached you steadily.

"Indeed, I have. The young lady inquired about accompanying me today and who am I to decline?"

"I see..." Zestial bent down, taking your hand gently in his own "I hope thou takes great pleasure in attending this meeting."  He said lowly, kissing your knuckles promptly.

Your eyes widened and you laughed nervously, holding your hand to your chest, "Thank you um..what did you say your name was again?"

"My, my, surely if you've been in hell as long as you claimed, you should know who Zestial is," Alastor rested both hands atop his cane, testing you with a smile.

"Of course, I know who Zestial is, we've just never met properly before. I'm (C/N), pleased to meet you, Zestial." You bowed your head slightly.

"Pleasures all mine. Shall we?" the tall overlord asked, beckoning us into a glass elevator.

You followed the two males in, squeezing yourself between them.

God, they're so close. I feel like I can practically smell them. Alastor smells like an odd mixture between a bookstore and a woodsy musk and Zestial smells like green apples and sandalwood.

I hope they can't smell me...maybe I should try and use the showers tonight-

"Velvette claims she has some rather important news to share," Zestial spoke, our elevator coming to a stop.

"Oh? How riveting, I can hardly wait." Alastor chimed. You tried not to stare at the many other important looking demons arriving on the same floor as you. You knew they were staring at you once you entered the conference room with them, though.

Alastor pulled out a chair for you and you thanked him. He sat next to you and Zestial, next to him.

"Alastor, don't be coy, who's the lovely lady?? Come, now! She's MUCH too young for you," A female demon with pale skin and sharp teeth waved her handkerchief as she addressed Alastor.

"Ha ha, funny as ever, Rosie." He glared and you smiled at her.

"Hi, i'm (C/N). Nice to meet you Rosie- oh my...are those vintage pearl earrings? They are absolutely STUNNING on you, hello?!" You gawked at the cannibalistic beauty and her face flushed. She pulled a fan from her brasier and began to fan herself.

"Aren't you the sweetest? Careful now...if you're too sweet I can't resist taking a bite out of you, doll." She giggled and a cold sweat ran down your back. She must've noticed your reaction because now she was reassuring you, "Oh, I'm only teasing."

"She's not joking." Alastor whispered in your ear. You sat up straight, suddenly realizing the intensity of the situation.

"Attention everyone, if you don't mind, I'd like to start the meeting now." Carmilla stood from her seat at the front and began to talk analytics.

Halfway through the meeting, you started to get bored. You picked at your nails, played with your hair, and you were now playing with Alastor's microphone. He hadn't noticed until the eyeball in its center blinked, freaking you out.

He gently took it from your hands and placed it on the opposite side of himself as if you were a child.

"Pssst," you whispered "psst, Alastor."

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now