Friends or Foes Pt.2

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"Okay, we found a feather in Alastor's room. Big deal! Are you sure it's not one of yours...Vaggie?" Charlie nervously tried to find another solution to Angel's discovery, refusing to admit her new friend had been lying to her.

Vaggie sighed, the obvious and drastic color difference between the feather in her hand versus her wings was enough to put an end Charlie's train of thought.

"Well, then? If you guys really think (C/N) is an Angel, why would she lie? A-and how come she doesn't look like an Angel?" Charlie paced while Angel and Vaggie sat on the couch, watching her worriedly.

"Maybe she didn't want to lie to ya, toots. But let's be honest, there can only be one well-known Angel in hell," he flashed his shiny tooth with a proud smile and Vaggie turned to Charlie.

"I highly doubt Angel is right about all of this, babe. If (C/N) was an Angel, I'd know, believe me. They all have a specific, cocky, stick-up-their-ass attitude that's impossible to mask," Vaggie clenched her fists as she spoke, Angel judging her.

"Damn Angel tits, need a side of therapy with that trauma?"

He raised his eyebrows and Vaggie put him in a headlock.

"Guys, come on! Stop it, just...stop! Ugh!" Charlie attempted to shove them apart, getting pulled down with them in the process.

When the three of them fell to the ground, they all stared up at the ceiling, defeated.

"So...even if (C/N) isn't an angel, where is Freaky Face? Doesn't he usually come back around this time?" Angel looked over at Charlie, who was still looking up.

"Who cares about Alastor? When's the last time he actually did something for us out of the goodness of his heart and not just for 'entertainment'," Vaggie scoffed and folded her arms across her stomach.

"I hope (C/N) comes back soon..." Charlie whispered.

Angel, although silent, agreed without saying a word.

Vaggie felt for her girlfriend and wanted to help in any way she could.

She could see your absence was taking a toll on a mother missing her child.

Vaggie half smiled at Charlie before pulling her into her chest for a hug. Charlie allowed this action and closed her eyes, pulling Angel with her.

"Hey! Let go of me before you contaminate me with your gayness!" Angel struggled to escape from the hug he was receiving against his will.

"Aren't you gay?" Vaggie raised an eyebrow.

"No shit, Einstein. But I don't need you makin me any gayer. And based on how awful this hug is, I might just-"

"Nah. I don't think it's possible for you to get any 'gayer'," Charlie mumbled.


The three busted out into a fit of laughter when a heavy knock was heard at the front door, silencing them.

"One two three, not it." Angel called.

"I'll get it," Charlie grunted and stood up, dusting herself off "Wait, what if it's (C/N)?!" She excitedly ran to the door, wasting no time swinging it open.

"Hey, honey! Wow, it's nice to see you too!" Lucifer planted his hands on his hips and smiled as wide as he could to mask his nervousness.

"Dad?!" Charlie blinked as Lucifer stepped past her shocked figure to enter the hotel.

"Yes, that's me. Your old daddi-o," he laughed awkwardly while looking around skeptically. "He's not here is he?" He whispered.

"Who, dad?" She asked, shutting the door.

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