An Ace in Your Hole - 14

180 9 35

You now stood parallel from Alastor, watching his hands as they expertly sliced through a green onion.

He sliced, minced, and chopped everything finely with an unspoken confidence that made your palms start to sweat.

Sure, I've cooked a meal or two...but not within the last couple of decades! We have a food court and heavenly servants to-

"Alright, honey. There's one thing my mother always said about cooking and that's, 'a recipe has no soul...but we as cooks must bring the soul-," he outstretched his bare palm, a small ghost like figure sprouting from the center. The lights flickered and Alastor quickly tossed the spirit glob into a pot. "-to the recipe." He glanced back at you and you blinked.

"What was that?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing, dear! Just a little something to give the food a..'kick'," he chuckled darkly and your stomach churned. "Come. I shall teach you how." He waved you over with two fingers, summoning you to his side.

You slowly walked over and only just began to take all of him in. He was wearing a pink ruffled apron that read, 'kitchen bitch'.

When you finished looking him up and down, your eyes drifted to meet his own. He was staring at you...staring at him.


"No time for dillydallying, Miss Angel, we have rice to cook and a roux to simmer. Do pass me the paprika?"

You leaned over and grabbed the apparent red spice, handing it to Alastor.

"Ah, thanks darling. Would you mind putting the water to boil?"

You tensed.

Boil the water. It's just a pot of water, (Y/N). There's no way you can mess that up...I hope.

"U-uh huh..."

You weren't sure as to why this was making you so nervous. It's just cooking!

You should just tell Alastor you haven't cooked in over 70 years and he'll understand-...

Before you knew it, you were already filling the pot with water. You placed it on the gas stove and stared at the knobs intensely. Gulping, you turned the one closest to you.

It began to make popping sounds, causing you to turn it back off quickly.

Shit! What was that?! Did I break something already?!

"Everything alright back there?" Alastor hummed as he chopped, yelling over his shoulder at you.

"U-umm..yeah, o-of course!" You replied hurriedly to avoid him finding out you don't even know how to BOIL WATER.

You tried it again, this time turning the knob until a flame was ignited.

Yes! Yes! We did it!

You bit your lips together to prevent yourself from celebrating your small victory too audibly.

Okay. The fire is on...there's water in the we wait!

You turned around to observe Alastor and stared as he swayed to the beat ever so slightly. A smile played along your lips subconsciously.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" You slid up next to him and leaned on the counter.

"Hmm, depends, darling. Should I be worried?" He joked.

"No, of course not. It's something about your life on Earth. Do you ever..miss it? Living, that is."

He stopped cutting briefly, his breath getting caught in his throat. He was quick to mask this, but luckily you caught it.

"Not really, why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering. You seem to speak of your mother quite often. Was she important to you?"

" mother was a hardworking woman anyone would deem important. If you're asking if I miss her, then no."

"Oh...okay. Well, thanks for your honesty. I was just wondering what it felt like to be a human on Earth. In all of the movies I've seen, it always looks so...freeing." You smiled thinking about how nice it would be to do whatever you pleased.

"Hm, I suppose it was. Being an overlord isn't much different, I'd say. The only thing separating the two was my beating heart,"

You placed your hand where a human's heart is located and frowned.

"What does it feel like?"

"What? Having a heart?" Alastor eyed you and you nodded, your hand still pressed to your chest. "Would you like me to show you?" His smile grew and he offered out his hand. A dark green aura radiated off of his skin, making you glare.

You smacked his hand away and rolled your eyes.

"Stop trying to make deals with me, it's rude! If you didn't want to answer the question, you could've just said so," you frowned and turned to your pot of water gasping. "It's boiling!"

"Splendid job, darling. Now pour the rice in,"

You soaked up his praises and grabbed the bowl of rice he'd already pre-measured, pouring it in.

You must've poured it in too fast, the water to jumping up and singing your arm.

"Shit!" You panicked and dropped the bowl, it shattering against the kitchen floor. Gasping, you dropped to your knees to clean up the mess. "I'm sorry Al. I know this is really stupid, but it's actually been quite a while since I've last cooked something. I'm...also sorry about your bowl," you swept the pieces into your hand and sucked air through your teeth when a shard got lodged in your finger.

"Darling, do leave it to me. I brought you here in hopes you wouldn't get hurt. But here you are, proving that anything can be dangerous in your presence," he sassed and snapped his fingers. Three little voodoo demons came up from the floor to clean the mess.

You jumped up and stepped backwards to get away from them...bumping into Alastor.

Turning around hurriedly, you began to panic seeing blood on his cutting board.

"...please tell me you're cutting up...meat,"

"My dear, I think I'd prefer your presence...contained. In a chair or a barstool, please. Take a seat and I will finish up from here," He gestured to the bar, his lacerated thumb now apparent.

"Did...I do that?" You winced and grabbed his hand gently. He tensed, squeezing the knife's handle with the opposite hand.

A white light emitted from your palm, Alastor watching you curiously just like before. You'd healed him once already, but each time seemed to be just as entertaining.

He actually quite enjoyed how it felt to be healed by you, the warmth of your magic starting to become intoxicating for the smiling overlord.

Alastor began to ponder of ways to make this situation even more thrilling than the last, pulling his hand away from you.

"Hey! What are you doing can you be still please and let me-"

He tossed the knife aside and gripped your face firmly.

You stared at him like he was crazy, ready to kick him off of you-

...that was before he stuck his thumb in your mouth.

1200 Words

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now