The Descent - 2

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"I am not wearing that." You folded your arms across your abdomen tightly, refusing the revealing outfit your holy servants had brought you.

"(Y/N), please. Sinners aren't going to dress in long white robes crested in gold. You need to find what suits you," Sera pleaded as the both of you stood in your room in heaven. For the past couple of days, all you did was study. Study Charlie and her friends, how they walked, how they talked. One wouldn't think pretending to be a sinner would be all that hard, but it was for you.

You'd remained in heaven for as long as you'd been alive, knowing nothing but pristine dialect and manners flowing from every resident flawlessly-...except Adam, of course.

Hell was going to be a big change to what you were used to.

"Fine. Anything but that one, though. That outfit looks like it was literally dragged through a herd of angry...rats,"

"Oh, that's because it was," Sera laughed lightly as she waved her angelic hands to display the next outfit you'd be wearing for your descent.

This one you liked. It was composed of your favorite colors and had just the right amount of coverage to remain tasteful.

"Okay. This one might work..." You approached the cherubs and used your powers to swap your current attire effortlessly.

"Ooooh," Sera audibly announced her liking to how you appeared. "Perfect. Now..what to do about...this," She gestured towards your face, mentally picking you apart to fit your pretend role.

"What kind of attributes do sinners usually possess? Horns? Piercings? Extra limbs?" You suggested. Sera nodded as if to say, 'all of the above.'

You turned and faced yourself in your bedroom mirror, shocked at how much the clothing alone has changed your appearance. Sera placed her hands on either of your shoulders, meeting your eyes in the reflection.

"It's going to take some getting used to...but I know you can do it. It's for the greater good. Remember that."

You smiled and nodded, focusing hard on how to change your look just enough to where you didn't look like an angel anymore.

You added a pair of arms, took away some of your many...many eyes, and even changed your hair. Your aesthetic was much darker, resembling someone who's spent countless years in hell.

"Huh, I feel oddly comfortable in this color palette. I wonder if this is how teenage humans feel," You tilted your head and Seraphim laughed softly.

"I hardly recognize you; this is perfect. Oh, just one more thing..." She pulled you to face her, her hands forming something at the nape of your neck. She mended the ball of light until it rested on your chest with a cool, heavy finish. Once she looked satisfied, you admired her work in your mirror.

"A necklace?" You questioned, thumbing it curiously.

"Yes...I figured something like a watch, or a phone would be too obvious. So, you'll keep in touch with me through this. If an emergency occurs, I shall open a heavenly portal for you to escape at once,"

You smiled at her gingerly, pulling her into a deep hug. She hesitated before wrapping her slender arms around you in return.

After a few moments of undisturbed bliss, a crackling noise averted your attention elsewhere. You both pulled away and looked to where the noise had occurred. You identified the portal to hell almost immediately.

It was time.

You met Sera's eyes for the last time before giving her a small wave.

"Goodluck, (Y/N). Stay safe," She waved back as you forced yourself into the portal. The warm, fuzzy feeling of crossing dimensions overwhelmed you. You kept your eyes closed until you felt a sudden change in atmosphere.

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