Birds of a Feather- 15

172 12 69

The metallic taste of Alastor's blood spread across your tongue and involuntarily slicked down your throat.

You started coughing, slapping his hand from your mouth and putting space between the two of you.

"What the actual fuck Al?!"

Alastor ignored your livid state and watched in total awe as his flesh sealed itself without leaving a scar.

"How...curious," he mumbled.

"Are you fucking serious right now?! It wasn't even that long ago I told you not to be using me for selfish reasons! And by the way, you shoving your FINGER in my MOUTH is DEFINITELY crossing a boundary or two!" You could still taste him on your tongue, cringing at the overwhelming saltiness.

He turned his head towards you slowly, eyes narrowing as he calculated the pros and cons of possessing your soul.

"My dear, you must excuse my impulsiveness when it comes to exploring your...capabilities. I've never experienced anything like it. Your ability to heal with any bodily fluid is quite the party trick-"

"Enough!" You shouted, shutting him up "I'm sick of your excuses on why you can't just do what I ask of you! I get it, you're a demon that wants souls and prides himself on being a powerful sinner, but you will NOT keep disrespecting me!"

You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, fuming.

"Who's disrespecting?" He asked rhetorically "I'm sorry if I've offended you-"

"You didn't OFFEND me, Alastor. You have this sick sense of entitlement where you believe you're better than everybody else. You think I'm below you. Which is real fucking rich coming from someone literally imprisoned in PURGATORY!"

His eyes twitched before closing completely, "I do believe I told you such things in confidence. But I must say, darling, it is quite the let down to hear your abilities to belittle only succumb to that of a grade school bully," he took a step towards you, untying and tossing his apron on the counter "But surely you must know that while I was the one imprisoned here, you are here now. And I-," he tilted his head and pressed his hand to his chest pridefully "-am your only ticket out of here." He bent down as if to mock your height, your noses almost touching.

You slapped him.

The sound of your flesh meeting his echoed, the pot boiling on the stove the only audible thing splitting the unnerving silence.

He froze, the momentum of your assault caused his head to turn away from you.

"..Alastor?" You asked, slightly regretting your actions. His hair covered his face and his hand now held his cheek in shame. "Are you alright?" You reached to brush his hair away, a tendril coiling itself around your ankle.

You tried to pull away, another emerging from the wall and pulling at your wrist.

"ALASTOR! Stop this right now! You can't be serious!" You snarled just as your foot was pulled out from under you. Groaning as you hit the floor, your blade slipped out of its holster, allowing you to grab it quickly. "I don't want to have to hurt you, Al, but I will!" You warned.

Alastor finally moved, his face flushed and his eyes dark. Your expression softened at the sight of him, wondering what was going on in that fucked up mind of his.

A third tendril went for the hand that held your dagger as you were distracted, making you slice through it swiftly. It shrieked as it fell to the ground, separated from its nucleus.

"This is your last chance to stop before I'll actually have to-"

He lunged for you, sitting on top of you and pushing you backwards into the floor fully.

Divine Infatuation - Alastor X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now