She Was All He Got

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Oliver was playing basketball with his daughter, Judy. The father daughter duo was very strong between them. Oliver was dribbling the ball, then bounced it, and shot it through the hoop.

"Pass me the ball, Dad!"

Oliver passed Judy the ball, and she bounced it, tried shooting it through the hoop, but missed. "Aw man!"

"You almost had it, sweetie!" Oliver chuckled. "Try again!"

Judy bounced the ball again. She tried again, but her aim was off as the basketball bounced towards the road. She ran out onto the street to get the ball back. But, before she could make it back to the yard, a driver was coming up behind her, and crashed into her.

"Judy!" Oliver howled. He ran to her to see if she was okay. The driver wasn't paying attention, and felt total remorse.

"I am so sorry!" He said. "Is she okay?!"

"Honey, speak to me!" Oliver begged. "Please!"

Judy didn't respond. She was totally motionless, and there was no pulse. She was dead.

"No!" Oliver sobbed violently at the loss of his daughter. The driver got arrested, and Judy's body got taken to the morgue. Oliver was grieving over the loss of his only daughter. With his wife dead, this was more than he could stand. At the funeral, he saw his daughter in a blue dress, black nylons, and black high heels, lying in a shiny, brown casket.

"I want my princess back!" Oliver couldn't stand the pain. The pallbearers closed the casket, and took it outside to put in the hearse. At the cemetery, Judy was laid to rest.

Judy was only 12 years old. She wouldn't live to see her 13th birthday in July.

This story was written on Friday, March 1st, 2024.

A/N Oliver lost his only daughter, due to that reckless driver! 😭😭😭 Judy had her whole life ahead of her! May she RIP! 2011-2024. ❤️❤️❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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