Aaron Needs A Ride To The Supermarket

4 2 11

Country Club Rd

Middletown, Connecticut

Aaron: *opens the fridge* I need more cheese.

Randy: *British accent* You need a ride?

Aaron: Yeah I do. I don't drive. I'm joining Driver's Ed in September.

Randy: *British accent* I can take you.

Aaron: I guess.

Randy: *British accent* You're welcome. Come along, lad. *walks outside*

Aaron: *gets his house key, and walks out and locks the front door*

Randy: *gets in his blue 1987 Chevy Caprice Classic*

Aaron: *gets in the car*

Randy: *pulls out of Aaron's driveway, driving past Moody School, Knox Blvd, stops at the four way intersection, and turns left onto East St*

This story was written on Sunday, March 24th, 2024. (Purim)

A/N Aaron is getting a ride to the supermarket with Randy! He should have thanked him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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