Steven Don't Be Jealous! 😅😅😅

11 5 42

Meriden Mall

Lewis Ave

Meriden, Connecticut

Kristen: I could get some more Nike socks. *green shirt, black shorts, white Nike socks, and brown sandals*

Steven: Can we go now?

Eddie: I think we should check out some more stores.

Kristen: I got an idea! We can dance! You and me, Eddie!

Eddie: Okay!

Steven: This is a mall!

Kristen: So? Dude, play some music!

Teenage Boy: *plays some Rock With You by Michael Jackson*

Eddie: *dancing with Kristen*

Kristen: *dancing with Eddie*

Steven: *eyes open wide, and mouth poked out*

People: *stops shopping to watch the duo dance*

Teenage Boy: *holding the radio*

Eddie: *still dancing with Kristen*

Kristen: *still dancing with Eddie*

Michael Jackson: *sings* Rock The Night Away!

Steven: *growling* Nobody ever danced with me like that! I want to go home!

Elderly Lady: Come on, sonny! I'll take you home! Where do you live?

Steven: Thomas St, in Middletown.

Elderly Lady: Come on now. Let's get you home. You're getting upset.

Steven: It's not fair. *still hearing the music blasting throughout the mall and leaves with the elderly lady*

Elderly Lady: *unlocks her green Chevy Caprice Classic with an Iowa license plate on it* Get in, honey.

Steven: *fights back tears, as he gets in the front*

Elderly Lady: Ya like this car? *closes her car door, and puts Thomas St in the GPS*

Steven: *glum* It's cool.

Elderly Lady: *drives out of the mall parking lot, and merges onto the Interstate 691 east ramp towards Middletown* As you can tell, I'm from Iowa.

Steven: *choked up* That's nice.

Elderly Lady: *driving past the exit to Interstate 91 south towards New Haven New York City, and enters Middlefield, driving onto Route 66 east* No tears now.

Steven: *sniffs*

Elderly Lady: *driving through the reservoir in Middlefield* Beautiful scenery!

Radio: *playing Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder*

Steven: I never been so jealous in my life.

Elderly Lady: It's okay, sonny. It's all over now. We left that crowded deathtrap of a mall. *driving past Jackson Hill Rd*

Steven: I don't want to see those two for the rest of the night.

Elderly Lady: *driving past Ballfall Rd, drives past Best Way Inn, and enters Middletown*

Steven: *sighs*

Elderly Lady: *driving past Sagamore Hills Apartments on Washington Street, drives past George St, drives past Wendy's, McDonald's, the shopping plazas, and the diner, and stops at a red light* You okay, sonny?

Steven: Yeah, I'm peachy. Just shut up and drive.

Elderly Lady: You're just being a crab in the sand! *resumes driving, drives past Plaza Dr, Jersey Mike's, Boston Rd, and Old Mill Rd*

Radio: *playing Let The Music Use You by Nightriders*

Elderly Lady: *puts her signal on, turning right onto West St, stops at the stop sign where it meets with Middlefield St, drives up the bridge, crossing the speed bumps, turns left onto Butternut St, turns left onto Thomas St, and pulls into Steven's apartment* Here you go, sonny! Sorry about what happened at the mall? Do you know them?

Steven: Just two new people I met recently.

Elderly Lady: They were just having fun, sonny! Nothing to get upset about! Now, get out!

Steven: *gets out of the car* Thanks for the ride.

Elderly Lady: My pleasure, sonny! You take care now! *drives off*

Steven: *walks into the apartment*

This story was written on Monday, March 11th, 2024. (Ramadan)

A/N Poor Steven got so jealous of Eddie and Kristen dancing together at the mall! But they're probably done now! 😅😅😅😅😅 That sweet old lady was kind enough to give Steven a ride home! ❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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