Take That You Old Bag Of Bones!

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Girl: *writing*

Old Man: You call that writing? It's awful!

Girl: It's my passion.

Old Man: Writing makes you look foolish!

Girl: *pulls on the old man's beard* You listen to me! I enjoy writing! It's my true calling and I enjoy it very much!

Old Man: *getting his beard pulled* Let go of my beard! You're hurting me!

Girl: I should shave it off! *let's go of the old goat's beard* Beat it!

Old Man: *walks away* She needs to stop writing! Back in my day..... *gets crushed by a piano and is out cold*

This story was written on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024.

A/N That girl really stood her ground! That old coot should mind his own business! Keep on writing, girl! Follow your dreams! ❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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