Melissa Can Never Beat A Clown

7 3 24

Connecticut Clown Academy

Hess St

Ringtown, Connecticut

Clown: What brings you here?

Melissa Hoon: I want to be like one of you!

Clown: I don't think you fit the rank of clown!

Melissa Hoon: Yes I do! *does a fake clown laugh*

Clown: Not convinced! Beat it!

Melissa Hoon: *shoves a pie in the clown's face*

Clown: *shoves a Boston cream pie in Melissa's face* Lesson number one; never shove a pie in a clown's face! Scram!

Melissa Hoon: *leaves the clown academy with her face smothered with pie*

This story was written on Monday, March 18th, 2024.

A/N Melissa isn't fit to be a clown!! You either have it or you don't! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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