Okay, so since I live in Connecticut, the inner critic told me that writing stories is totally meaningless. He said that people in Connecticut don't write stories, and that I should quit because this is a total waste of time. How stupid can he be? Do I have to be in California or Michigan just to write? He also said that there's no inspiration here in Connecticut to write a story, and told me to take up a new hobby. Isn't that just wonderful?
And--here-we-are JulieDove4 JankyFluffy Mysticalmischief007 KittyKatie135 caramel_brownie GooglyEyes101 WendyyWolfe wikcia_04
Spectacular Short Stories
Storie breviHere is another short story collection! Get lost in this fictional realm by encountering all kinds of random situations beyond your wildest imagination! Don't say you weren't warned! ;)