Forgetfulness Sleeping On The Job

8 3 10

Stop and Shop

West St

Cromwell, Connecticut

Woman: *getting some Tyson chicken strips*

Forgetfulness: *sleeping*

Manager: Wake up!

Forgetfulness: What? I was sleeping!

Manager: I told you to restock the shelves in the chips aisle! Get to it, F!

Forgetfulness: Get someone else to do it!

Manager: How about I fire you?

Forgetfulness: Fine!

Manager: You're on thin ice, F! If I see you sleeping again, you're fired!

This story was written on Wednesday, March 27th, 2024.

A/N Forgetfulness, no sleeping on the job! Make sure get plenty of sleep at home! You have a responsibility to keep! Don't screw it up! 😾 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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