Theodore Gets Teased At Burger King

12 5 14

Burger King

Silas Deane Hwy

Wethersfield, Connecticut

Theodore: I would like two Whopper Jrs, and a large drink.

BK Employee: *having a zombie mask on* Anything else?

Theodore: A Hershey pie.

BK Employee: $89.71, please.

Theodore: *pays with a hundred dollar bill* Why do you have a mask on? It's not Halloween.

BK Employee: Felt like it. I don't need no reason.

Theodore: Whatever makes you happy. *gets his food*

Jessica: Theodore Roosevelt, my man!!

Theodore: Will you stop it?

Jessica: You know I'm just playing!

Theodore: I know!

Jessica: Sit down and eat, Theodore Roosevelt! Wait here, while I get some nuggets and a vanilla shake!

Theodore: She's gonna be the death of me.

This story was written on Saturday, March 9th, 2024.

A/N Theodore is getting teased at Burger King! Jessica loves him! 😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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