Forgetfulness Got Disposed Of

24 10 15

Mountain View Trail

Ashland St

Seagrove, Connecticut

Female Teacher: Okay, students! Please do not wander off! We have to stay together as one big group!

Girl: I forgot money for food!

Forgetfulness: *laughing*

Girl: Shut up!

Forgetfulness: Why don't you make me?!

Girl: *snaps her fingers: Boys?

Garbage Men: *looking all tough and burly, and takes F away* Looks like we got a troublemaker!

Forgetfulness: *being taken away* Help!!! I'm sorry, Amelia! I didn't mean to laugh!

Boy: I hate him.

This story was written on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024.

A/N When Forgetfulness becomes a problem, leave it to the garbage men to dispose of scum like him! 👍😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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