Ghost Got Bit!

12 3 32

Ridge Rd

Middletown, Connecticut

Ghost: *scares a pitbull* BOO!!!!

Pitbull: *growls and bites the ghost*

Ghost: YOW!!!!!

Man: What is all that noise?! *gets up out of bed* There's a ghost in our house!

Pitbull: *growling and barking at the ghost*

Ghost: Please leave me alone!!!

Man: Get out of my house!!! *cocks a rifle at the ghost*

Ghost: Your dog bit me!

Man: He'll bite you again if you don't leave!

Ghost: *runs out in fear*

Man: He didn't read the sign!


This story was written on Monday, March 18th, 2024.

A/N That ghost got bit by that pitbull! He deserved it! 😾 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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