7 4 13


Berlin Rd

Cromwell, Connecticut

Clyde: *gets some new jeans*

Girl: *crying*

Clyde: Oh no.

Girl: *screams and cries*

Woman: Hey, cut that out! We're leaving!

Girl: *screams really loud*

Clyde: Oh come on!!! *covers his ears*

Clyde's Mother: We're almost done, sweetie!

Clyde: I want to get out of here now!

Clyde's Mother: Almost done!

Clyde: *still hearing the girl screaming and crying* I'm sorry, I can't handle this! *runs out of Walmart and hyperventilates* I can't stand it when kids make all that noise! This is why I hate places like this!

This story was written on Saturday, March 16th, 2024.

A/N I can totally relate to Clyde! I don't like it when kids scream and cry up a storm! It drives me nuts! 😬😤 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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