Caught In A Sandstorm!!

16 4 11

Somewhere in Arizona....

Clyde: How did we get here? And where is here?

Lois: We're in Arizona! And a sandstorm is starting to occur!

Sandstorm: *gathering a lot of sand, reducing visibility*

Clyde: *blinded by the sandstorm* I can't see within a hundred feet!

Lois: Me neither! *blinded by the sandstorm*

Beatrice: *gets some sand in her mouth and spits it out* Gosh!

Jonathan: When is this gonna stop?

Sandstorm: *not letting up*

This story was written on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024.

A/N The teens are caught in a sandstorm!!! And it's not showing any signs of letting up!! 😳 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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