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3rd Person's Pov

Aleah and Maria are currently hanging out with the sponsors of the event. Mingling with them is tiring for Aleah. Maria noticed Aleah's uncomfortable expression and low social battery, they excused themselves to get some fresh air.

"Are you all right?" Maria asked as they sat down by the bench. Aleah sighed and shook her head.

"All of this mingling is giving me a headache. I've been carrying this scythe for the whole afternoon. Paparazzi are currently taking a picture of us. When will this end?" she complained. Maria could only caress her back.

She understood Aleah because she is not used to hanging around with a lot of people for the whole day, even when they were at the after party after the model season, Aleah would excuse herself to go home after showing up in a few minutes.

"It's alright." Maria comforts her friend.

"Sorry for dragging you, Maria, I'm just not comfortable yet. But I'm sure I can be able to conquer this." Maria smiled at Aleah's optimism.

"Of course you can. You're Aleah after all." Maria agreed which gave her confidence. Aleah smiled and stretched her arms.

"I guess the first thing to do is to be able to get this over with." She stood up and looked at the crowd.

"I'll support you." Maria cheered. They walked back to the crowd of sponsors.

The tour is over, Aleah and Maria were invited over to observe the players. They were looking around the one way window, which they can see the players but the players cannot see them to avoid distraction. The representative who invited them were discussing how it works and what the players are doing. Aleah was focused on looking at the screen inside the room where it shows the current situation of the game. She was a bit clueless of it because it has been a long time since she last played the game.

She spotted familiar faces as she was looking by the window.

"The others are observing the current in-game players...." As the staff explained to them, Maria and Aleah were just focused on the screen flashing the game.

Kairi and his team were observing the players and their strategies. He noticed that there is a tinted glass window just across them.

"Why is there a tinted glass window there?" he asked in a low voice. Coach yeb took a glance at the window and answered;

"it's for the spectators. They are currently observing the game." Kairi nodded and looked back at the screen. As they were wrapping up, Renejay walked towards him.

"Hey Kairi, we're going to meet up with Joanna, Maria, and Aleah for dinner. Did you also receive a text?" He asked. Kairi checked his phone, and it was from a DM from Aleah.

"Yeah, from Aleah." He replied. He also replied to Aleah saying that he would be there. He caught Renejay snickering while looking at him. "What?"

"Maria is the one who messaged us. Why would you say that it was from Aleah?" Renejay's brow raised. "I'm beginning to notice something~" he teased. Kairi's eyes furrowed and tried not to be flustered.

"Yeah whatever you say. Let's wrap up already."

The guys are currently on their way to meet up with the girls. As they went inside the restaurant. They were welcomed by the waiter. They asked where they were and guided them to their room. They entered and saw the girls with Yskaela, SZE, and Heart, Renejay's girlfriend.

"Heart! How did you enter here?" Renejay asked, but they could see in his face the joy of meeting his girlfriend.

"Maria invited me"

"I figured that heart might be uncomfortable if we suddenly ask you boys for dinner so might as well bring your girlfriends here."

"Thanks for being thoughtful."

They settled on their seats and the waiters began to serve the food they ordered. They talked all night until they got a call from their managers and teams, asking of where they are.

"Let me speak to them." Joanna offered and they each handed their phones to her and Joanna explained to them.

Aleah was busy eating desserts and Kairi was just watching her and would offer a tissue and water from time to time.

Renejay and Heart was filming Tiktok videos, Maria, Karltzy and Yawi were having a conversation.

"We should go back to our hotel rooms for the night, you guys have a lot to play tomorrow." Joanna told them as the phone call ended. They all agreed and the boys dropped the girls off.

Aleah and Kairi were the first ones to go back because the others were still debating whether they stroll to the park first before going back to the hotel room. Silence was filled on the atmosphere. No one dared to make a move first because of shyness. As Aleah's room was near, Kairi finally decided to speak.

"Umm, Aleah?" She turned her head.

"What is it?" she asked with a soft voice, making Kairi's heart beat fast.

"Uh, are you free tomorrow?" She nodded.

"I have no scheduled appointments in the afternoon, why do you ask?"

"Do you want to watch a movie with me? I heard that there's a new movie that will premiere by tomorrow."

Aleah smiled. "Sure, I'll make time for it."

"Alright, I'll message you the details about it and will pick you up tomorrow." Kairi can't contain his smile and Aleah couldn't help but giggle.

"Alright. I'll go inside my room now."

"Good night, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She said and slowly closed the door.

Kairi felt like he won the lottery and punched the air. 'I finally asked her out!' he rejoiced and sighed in relief. 'I'm too happy that she didn't reject me.' he looked at her door and smiled then he walked away.

Meanwhile, Aleah was resting her back on the door and both of her arms are covering her cheeks and mouth.

'he asked me out, right? I'm not dreaming?' she thought to herself. She realized by now that she actually likes him.

'I should pick an outfit for tomorrow!' she giggled and went to her room.


Sorry for the long pause on updating the story, was busy with studies and catching up on things. Will update on an irregular schedule. 

Thank you for being patient with me~ Will soon update again when I have free time randomly. ^^

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