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While Jhonny was washing the dishes. James comes through the door and closing it behind him. Jhonny looked at him and blushed. "Hey James, how was the meeting?" Asks Jhonny. James sighed and sat on the couch. "It was find I guess..." James sounded grumpy. Jhonny could tell that the meeting didn't go well.

"What happened?" Asked Jhonny worried. he stopped the water and dry his hands. "Nothing is wrong" James said more grumpy and mad. "James, I know something is wrong, and you can talk to me about-" before Jhonny put his hand on James's shoulder. his hand is grabbed tightly from him. "I said nothing is wrong for the second time! god Jhonny, why are you so obsessed with me all the time?" James yelled at Jhonny angrily.

Jhonny stood back. he was scared of James when he's on a rampage. "S-sorry" Jhonny apologized to James. "Just shut up" James looked away how angry he was. Jhonny rubbed his arm. he felt bad that he shouldn't have left James alone. Jhonny walked into the kitchen. he thought he should continue washing the dishes. he turned on the hot water, and puts soap on the dishes, then he grabbing the sponge and wipes the sponge on the dirty dishes he cleaned.

While washing them. he felt someone was staring at him. he knew it was James, but he didn't want to anger him again. "Jhonny" James said his name. Jhonny took a deep breath and stopped the water again. "Yes?" He replied back to him. James scratched his back hair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I shouldn't have grabbed your hand like that" James apologized to Jhonny about his attitude. Jhonny heard how James sounded. he did sound like he was truly sorry about it.

"It's find James, I forgive you" Jhonny smiled to him. James nodded and just looked away for a minute. "I haven't been feeling in a good mood for a while. I just need something or someone to cheer me up" James asked Jhonny. he thought for a moment, then Jhonny smirked. "James, I know someone who could make you comfortable and cheerful" Jhonny walked up to James. "Jhonny, what are you do-" James got cut off.

He felt nice and sweet lips meet his lips. his eyes surprised. his face somehow turned blushing red. so did Jhonny's. he wrapped his hands around his neck and tippy toe to reach James more. he didn't do anything but stand there letting Jhonny kiss him. he broke the kiss looking up at him. "Your lips are nice James" Jhonny softly said to him. "Wh-why did you kiss me?" Asked James confused and a bit uncomfortable about it. "I thought it will help you calm down, guess I gotta do more" Jhonny pulled James into him. kissing him again, James gasp and blushed harder.

"Why the hell am I letting him kiss me? I'm his boss and he's my employer! this is wrong!" James didn't try pushing him away. he kinda liked Jhonny's lips. he never realized he wrapped his arms around Jhonny's body. moans start forming to Jhonny and James. he pushed Jhonny into the wall and lifting him up in the air. Jhonny moans hard when he felt it. James and his mouths start drooling out. "James~" Jhonny moans softly to him. "Your lips are very soft..." James softly said as well.

"Let's take this in our room~" James said with a seductive snarl. Jhonny held on to James's shoulders, his legs wrapped around his waist. He giggled softly as James opened the door and closed it with his foot. He lay Jhonny on the bed and looked down at him. "You're very handsome" Jhonny mention. "I know I am cutie" James smirked. "Can I have your kisses?" He asked. Jhonny chuckled and sat up. he pulled him into him. he kissed around his face and cheek. "Your lips are very soft and sweet" James said. Jhonny smiled back to him.

He continued to kiss James around his face. the lips made a few marks on his cheeks and face. Jhonny loved when James allowed him to kiss him. he kissed his mouth again. James pulled him into him and moans with him. he pushed Jhonny into the bed, pinning his hands. "J-James..." Jhonny moans while breaking the kiss a few times. "Darling~" James chuckled while kissing.

20 minutes past. they decided to stop before they get more closer. "I had my fun, and I feel better" James said while Rubbing Jhonny's cheek. "I'm glad honey" Jhonny smiled. he pulled James into him and lays into his chest. Jhonny snuggling deeper into James's chest. James smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Jhonny waist, pulling him closer and resting his chin on Jhonny's head. Jhonny closed his eyes.

"I love you, James," he said, yawning afterwards and falling asleep. James smiled and rubbed Jhonny's back. "I love you too, Jhonny," he mumbled before closing his eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now