😭𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹💔 (James and Joe dating AU)

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Jhonny loved James since he saw that photo of him in the city. he released him to love him and stay with him. but he was wrong. Jhonny hold flowers as he walked down the street back to his house. he was excited to give the flowers to James, those were his favourite.

When he finally reached the house. he opens the door and closed it behind him. "James, I'm home" Jhonny called out. "I bought you something you like!" He called out while walking around. he suddenly heard someone else's voice. "Hm? Who else is here? Elise or.. Joe?" Jhonny knew Elise and Joe, because those were James's friends, well Elise isn't since they hate each other.

"James?" Jhonny peek around the corner, he saw James standing there. "James, who's?" Jhonny's eyes immediately gasp. he dropped the flowers on the floor with his face surprised and shook. he saw James and Joe kissing. they didn't realize Jhonny was standing there. Jhonny felt his heart get stabbed and ripped apart when he saw them.

They broke the kiss and looked. they gasp when they saw Jhonny standing there. "J-Jhonny?" Joe stood back. James looked at Jhonny to with a nervous and surprise face. Jhonny didn't say anything but stand there in shocked. "Jhonny, it's not what it looks like I promise!" Joe said while putting his hands up. "James..." Jhonny felt tears go down his face. he was about to say something. but cut himself off.

"You found someone else? you love him more then me?" Jhonny asked James. "Jhonny.." James didn't know what to even say. Jhonny's face went dark. "You said it will be wrong dating your employers, and yet Joe is your employer as well and you decide to date him? Without letting me know?" Jhonny's face went mad and he squeezed his hands.

"You lied to me..." Jhonny stood back. "Jhon-" James and Joe saw Jhonny bust out the door in anger and walked off. James sighed. Joe felt very guilty for Jhonny. he should've have told him that him and James were actually dating for a few years since he let James out.

Jhonny was crying all the way to his brother's house. he felt betrayed, he felt not loved by James. he couldn't believe that Joe and James were kissing. he felt very betrayed by Joe. when he got to Michael's house.

he knocked on the door hard. he waited for a second till Michael open the door. "Jhonny?-" Michael went shocked when he felt his brother hug him tightly. "Wow! what's this all about?" Michael went silent when he heard Jhonny sobbing and crying on him. "Jhonny, what's wrong?" Michael bought Jhonny into his house and sat him on the couch.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Michael put his finger on Jhonny's chin. Jhonny wiped his tears away. he started talking now. "He lied to me...' he first said. "Who Jhonny?" Michael listened carefully. "James! he f#cking lied to me!" Jhonny never cursed at all. that was his first time ever. "He said that if he dates his employees, it was will be wrong and yet I still loved him! and then I walk in the house to find him and Joe kissing?" Michael gasp when he heard Jhonny say that. he got and threw something across the room

"I'm gonna kill that asshole!!" Michael angrily said. "Michael, calm down-" that asshole is gonna regret ever hurting my baby brother..." Michael felt rage in his body and face. "Michael, please... don't hurt him.." Jhonny puts his hands on Michael's shoulders. "Why? he f#cking hurt you! how can you defend him still?" Michael asked angrily. he puts down his bat and just walked over to the couch and sits down. "I know... but I don't want you to hurt him..." Jhonny rubbed his arm with his other hand. how can Jhonny defend James? he's abusive to him, he didn't love Jhonny back and he's a toxic person to his family and friends.

Michael sighed and didn't say anything to Jhonny. he sat near Michael. he felt bad and sorry for himself. "I'm sorry..." Michael looked at his little brother. He saw he was crying again. "Jhonny..." Michael hugs him tightly. Jhonny started crying and sobbing in Michael's chest. "Shhh... it's ok, I'm here to protect you..." Michael rubbed softly Johnny's back. he truly loved his little brother. he never wanted him to get hurt or get kidnapped. this shows how much Michael is overprotective of Johnny. "I love y-you Michael..." Johnny softly said while almost falling asleep from the cry. "I love you too Johnny..." Michael kisses his forehead as a brother thing. (Not a ship if you think!)

1 hour passed. Michael looked down and saw Johnny asleep in his chest. He smiled and picked up Johnny. he carried him to his room and lay him down on his bed. he covered him with the blanket as Johnny mumbled and shown such a cute face. Michael kissed his four head one last time before walking out and closing the door behind him.

After Michael put his little brother to bed. he grabbed out his knife and bat. He was still angry about James and Joe hurting Johnny's feelings. "I'm coming for you assholes..." Michael walked out the door to go beat the sh#t out of James and Joe.

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now