🌙𝑀𝒾𝒹𝒹𝓁𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉🌙 (+16)

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(This chapter will contain sexual content and +16. please do skip if you feel very uncomfortable, viewer discretion is advised)

It was 7:00 PM. almost night time. Johnny was in the kitchen washing dishes while James was on the couch. they were just relaxing after babysitting William with Mimi. she was asleep because daycare she had to go to tomorrow. Johnny was a single father, but now with James and married to him.

he feels like he isn't a single parent anymore. while he washes the dishes. he startled when he felt arms wrap around his body. he lets go of the dishes and looked up to see James above. "Hey hun, you alright?" Asked Johnny softly. James rest his head on Johnny's shoulder. "I want you... I feel lonely..." James sounded tired. Johnny chuckled and turned off the hot water.

"You sound tired sweetie" Johnny rubs James's cheek. "I want you to make me feel better..." James softly whispered in Johnny's ear. "Alright then... our Angel is sleeping, so we can get some quiet time" Johnny kisses James's cheek. "Let's go to our room~" James picks Johnny up and walks upstairs and to their room. Johnny lays in James's chest, James chuckled while he opens the door with his foot and closing it with his foot. he lays Johnny in the bed while he lays into his chest.

He smells his chest and rubs Johnny's side. he made noises and moans a little. James walked to the door and locked it so Mimi wouldn't come see what's going on. James lays back into Johnny's chest. "You feel very good, please let me love you..." James closes his eyes while making purring noises as a cat. "Go on sweetie..." Johnny rubs James's hair.

James smiles. he went up and kissed Johnny's mouth. James's tongue started exploring every part of the mouth. It touches Johnny's tongue as they meet and loved each other. Johnny moans loud as James smirks in the kiss. James pins Johnny's hands in the bed. he breaks the kiss, James goes down his neck and he slowly unbuttoned Johnny's shirt, revealing his stomach that was clean. Johnny blushed deeply, gripping tightly onto the mattress.

"Do you not mind?' James asked before taking off johnny's shirt. Johnny nodded. "Go ahead sweetie..." Johnny allowed James. he smirked and fully took off Johnny's shirt. he went down to his stomach. he started kissing around it as Johnny moans softly. "Hmm! J-James..." Johnny let out a soft moan as James kissed his stomach everywhere he can see. "Oh Johnny, your skin feels so soft~" James snarled as he rubs Johnny's stomach softly. he went up to Johnny's neck.

"I'm doing it fast darling..." Johnny holds James's shoulders. he wasn't sure when James will bite his neck. he wasn't given a warning. James didn't give him a warning. he immediately went into Johnny's neck and started sucking it softly. Johnny let out a small moan. "A-ah, James..." Johnny said his name softly.

James continued to suck Johnny's neck as it made a bite mark there. he went to the other side, he started kissing it softly. Johnny moans soft and tries moving a bit. James looked and seen he made a Hickey. he smirked and decided to continue. James kissed Johnny again. moans were made from the two as Johnny pulled James deeper into his kiss. "Oh baby..." James chuckled and kissed Johnny's chest.

"I hope you won't mind..." James went down to his stomach to his legs. he slowly slides down Johnny's pants "go easy a-ah, James..." Johnny asked. James smiled more. he fully token off Johnny's pants. he saw how beautiful his legs are. he didn't expect them to be this beautiful.

"I'm sorry Darling... but I must" James grabs the left leg, he bites and kisses it. Johnny let out a loud moan, he tightly squeeze the mattress. Johnny had water in his eyes. it felt good but kinda painful when James bites. he made a few marks on Johnny's leg, the right leg was next. he done the same thing to the leg.

"J-James, hmm..." Johnny moans, James went up close and lays into Johnny's chest. "Why must be so beautiful darling? it just feels very good" James said. he kissed Johnny one last time. before he could do other stuff. he heard the door knocking. "Oh Sh-t!" James got up fast, Johnny also. "Papa, daddy?" Mimi called out from the other side of the door. "Uhhh, yes honey?" Johnny nervously replied to Mimi.

"I hear noises from you and Mr. James's room, is something wrong?" Asked Mimi worried. "N-no sweetie! me and papa are just relaxing and.. we're watching a movie that isn't your age, go back to sleep dear!" Johnny made up an excuse. Mimi was confused. but she did what her father told her to do and went back to her room and sleep.

"That was close..." Johnny smiled nervously. "A little too close..." James smiled, he went close and kissed Johnny again. he pushes him into the bed as they continue the fun...

Next day at work:
"Uhhhm, you look like you can't walk properly. what happened Johnny?" Asked Joe kinda confused about Johnny. "Uhhhh! I fell down the stairs and I hurt my leg, it isn't broken or nothing. It's just sore!" Johnny made up a excuse. "Ohh k?" Joe crossed his arms. Johnny looked away blushing. James stood behind the door smirking. he had a few kiss marks from Johnny also last night.

Sooo.. what do you think happened after Joe and also Michael found out what happened to James and Johnny? make up a role play in the comments!

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now