🤒𝒮𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈🤢 (part 1)

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Johnny had woken up with a pain in his stomach and a sore throat. he got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. he took some medicine but that didn't seem to help much. Johnny felt like he needed to throw up, and he did. he threw up in the toilet. he felt cold and felt like he had anxiety. he let out a small moan. he felt scared and alone.

Johnny walked out of the bathroom, he looked at the sleeping James sleeping peacefully. Johnny didn't wanna wake up and annoy James. so he decided to just go back to sleep and tell James tomorrow. he cuddles in the covers and falls back asleep.

It was the next morning and work was today on Monday. James was getting ready for work. he brushed his teeth, hair and was already ready. he noticed that Johnny wasn't coming out of the room. "Johnny..." James sigh, Johnny will sometimes sleep in and be grumpy in the morning. "Johnny, get up! your be late for work" James walked inside the room to see Johnny asleep. "Johnny" he shakes Johnny as he mumbled. "Get up" James ordered.

But when he heard Johnny moan and cough. He sounded sick to him. "Johnny, you ok?" James asked. Johnny open his eyes, they looked glossy and red. "I don't feel g-good..." Johnny said. He cough hard, that hurt his throat. "Johnny, you don't look and sound good" James said. "I-I'm find, I'll get ready" Johnny tried sitting on. but he felt a sharp pain in his eyes and head. He moans and lay back down. James puts his hand on Johnny's forehead. it felt very hot and warm. he checked his throat. it was also warm and hot.

"Sh-t Johnny, you have a fever and your throat is sore. I think you're sick" James mentioned. Johnny hugged his pillow. "My head won't stop burning..." Johnny couldn't barely talk. "Shhh, it's ok. just rest, I'll probably cancel work today" James rubs Johnny's chest. "I need the-b-bathroom..." Johnny tried getting up and walking. but he nearly fall, James grabbed him in time. "I'll walk you there" James picked up Johnny and walked him to the bathroom. he lay him down on the floor. Johnny coughed and coughed. he leaned over the toilet.

James knew Johnny was about to throw up. and he did, James hold his hand as he threw up. Johnny got a break from it. he lay in James's chest. "I-I'm scared..." Johnny said, his fever was burning up higher. "Shhh... it's ok, I'll make you soup for you" James rubbed Johnny's back. Johnny pushed him away immediately and threw up again in the toilet.

After throwing up a couple times. Johnny felt like it was an endless throwing up thing. "It's ok Johnny, you probably won't throw up for now" James flashed the toilet. he picked up Johnny and walked out of the bathroom. he lay him on the bed again. "I'll go make you some soup and we're do a temperature check" James kissed Johnny's forehead and walked away. "Why the hell did I do that?" He mumbled while blushing little. Johnny closed his eyes and just rested.

After a while, James was done with the soup. he walked in over and sat in on the table. "Hey Johnny, you awake?" He asked. Johnny open his eyes, they were now glossier then before. "Oh Sh-t Johnny.." James rubbed Johnny's chest. "M-my head feels like it's on fire..." Johnny said. he still barely talk. "Hold on, I'll get a temperature to check you" James got up to get a temperature they kept for Johnny. while he lay there. he felt like he feels his dead wife's hands on him while she rubs him. "Annalise...?" Johnny started hallucinating her again. he always hallucinating her, she was beautiful, kind and shining as golden. "My love, I'm here with you" Johnny saw her above him.

"Johnny" he snapped out and saw James. "Oh... sorry.." Johnny apologized. "It's find, open your mouth" James softly asked. Johnny did and open his mouth. as they waited for a moment. the temperature rise up. it shown Johnny was very sick and had a sickness that could kill people if they don't to a hospital. "Holy sh-t..." Johnny felt like he needed to throw up again. he got up and ran to the bathroom in time. he breathed hard and hard, he felt like he was having a panic attack.

"Johnny, calm down" James hugged him. Johnny started crying, he was scared. he didn't wanna die. "Am I gonna die...?" Johnny asked softly and sobbing. "Shhh hey, don't say that. you're not gonna die" James rubbed Johnny's back. "I'm here Johnny, don't be afraid" James confess Johnny. Johnny was burning up. he felt like his version was going blurry.

Then at that moment. James felt Johnny not hugging him anymore. "Johnny?" He looked down and saw Johnny wasn't moving. "Johnny!" he tried walking him up. but he wasn't. "Oh no..." James didn't know knowing what to do, he just decided he was going to take Johnny to the hospital. he ran outside with a passed out Johnny and driven away to take Johnny to the hospital.

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now